A Phone Call From Congressman Tom Cole

I just received a phone call from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), who wanted to ask me an important poll question: “As a Republican, are you willing to cede the White House to Hilary Clinton in 2008?” I told them no.

The call also featured a recorded message from Representative Tom Cole. According to Cole, “True conservatives in Washington have been quiet for too long” when it comes to criticizing Hilary Clinton and the liberals, but they’re going to stop being so reticent in 2008, if I help by donating some money. It strikes me that Cole himself is a conservative, and he spends most of his time in Washington. Why does he need my money to cease being quiet — couldn’t he just, you know, start talking?

Also, Cole says Clinton intends to legalize gay marriage. I wish! Not for the first time, I find myself wishing that the fantasy Democrats conservatives argue against existed in real life, so I could vote for them.

This entry was posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Elections and politics, Same-Sex Marriage. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to A Phone Call From Congressman Tom Cole

  1. Raznor says:

    True Conservatives have been quiet too long? I can’t recall a moment in the past 20 years when they ever shut up.

  2. RonF says:

    “As a Republican, are you willing to cede the White House to Hilary Clinton in 2008?” I told them no.

    So how did you get on a list whereby the callers presumed that you are a Republican? Of course, I keep getting e-mails from Democrats.com ….

    True conservatives certainly haven’t shut up. Nor should they. It’s pretty understandable why they havent’ shut up – the people they vote for promise them the world and then don’t deliver once they are elected. True conservatives haven’t seen a true conservative as President since (maybe) Reagan. Maybe Eisenhower. President Bush certainly isn’t one. He has done very little to reduce the expansion of the scope of American government and he’s done very little to make the government more efficient and effective in those areas where the Federal government actually has a Constitutionally-defined scope to take action (e.g., border security). The big difference between the Democratic and the Republican administrations we’ve had lately has been who’s buddies get the contracts and funding.

  3. Kevin Moore says:

    RonF: Unless Barry changed his party registration recently, he’s a RINO – Republican in Name Only – to the extreme. So he gets their propaganda.

    BTW – This post cracked me up. “I told them no.” Ditto, brother.

  4. David Badash says:

    I received a similar phone call this morning. A woman called, asked for me by name, and said she was calling for (I think) the RNC, and that Congressman Tom Cole had a message for me. I said I did not believe he wanted to speak with me. She then mentioned something about a Congressional Merit award (I’m thinking, what have I done to “merit” an award) and that the Congressman had recorded a short message for me. I declined her request to listen to it.

    Now, I wish I had listened to it, and played the scenario out til the end.

    The call was from a “blocked number,” and I usually don’t answer those, but I’m glad I did, because now I will be investigating this further. Is this legal? In my view, it is at least inappropriate, and immoral, and, in my opinion, a disgraceful use of office.

  5. RonF says:

    David, when Congress passed the “Do Not Call” list law, they explictly exempted political campaigns. The bastards.

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