Maia pointed out this webpage to me. Brilliant. Plus, it allows me to choose “Buffy” and “Elections” as categories for the same post, which I might not have done before.
Feel free to use this thread to post anything you’d like. Linking to your own stuff is encouraged.
Isn’t a favourite GOP candidate (or a favourite Democrat candidate if it comes to that) sort of a favourite form of torture to undergo?
I’m mostly enjoying remembering how all those Presidential candidates/Buffy villains die. Take that Mike Huckabee. Unfortunately it leaves Rudi Guiliani still standing.
The genius in that post is how closely the photos match, and the descriptions.
Awesome. My only regret is that they didn’t manage to work in my favourity villain – Glory. The opening, The Judge as Thompson was priceless. And yeah, the description was bang on – The Judge was all build-up and no payoff in the show. Kinda like Pratchett’s “Lords and Ladies”.
Well, the Republicans would have to nominate a woman first, so don’t hold your breath.
I just wonder who, in this framework, The First would be . . . Nixon?
Hmm, would Bush Sr. be Spike? Weak-kneed acolyte of a real, actual, scary baddie, and after he lost his powers he seems curiously attached to his greatest adversary (Bill).
And The First doesn’t really fit as a presidential candidate, since The First was a puppet-master and taunting voice, not a direct powerhouse like the others.
Oh Christ . . . Karl Rove? Lee Atwater? Cheney?
I’ll add a link on depictions of men in some recent movies: Lessons in Film.
I may not have all that much to contribute to worldwide knowledge.
But I have this, and it’s a start. It’s probably one of my best inventions :)
The Theory of Pen Equilibrium (and Other Useful Life Tricks)
Huck has a Mayorish quality IMO. He seems warm, polite, earthy… and pure evil.
Reagan would work as the First, since he can take the form of all the other candidates (according to them). But Nixon evidently created much of the party as we know it.