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As a Harvard-trained neuroanatomist, Jill Bolte Taylor has always known more about brains than most people. But when a brain hemorrhage triggered her own stroke, she suddenly had a front-row seat on the deterioration of the brain.
Dr. Taylor recounts the details of her stroke and the amazing insights she gained from it in a riveting 18-minute video of her speech at the Technology, Entertainment, Design Conference in Monterey, Calif., last month. Her fascinating lecture includes a detailed explanation of the differences between the left and right sides of the brain, complete with an incredibly cool prop — a real human brain.
I love the TED videos.
I was on Oprah for being an evil smoker. And it was kind of hilarious.
Your blog has blown me away. Wonderful! It really is superb. I love the video.
Interesting! My mother was in a great mood after her stroke. It actually improved her mood 5000% –seriously. It made me re-evaluate a lot.
Nothing much here, except some activists got arrested for trying to SAVE THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS FROM EVIL GREEDHEAD MOFOS!!!!! (Truthfully? I don’t think they/we will succeed, but we’re all gonna go down fighting, I hope.)
Nice video, but I thought it was a shame she framed it in terms of the simplistic, basically untrue left brain vs right brain story.
Ampersand (quoting me:)
The question was rhetorical. However anyone is, of course, welcome to take it to FCB as well.
Dianne (quoting me):
I’m neither annoyed nor worried. What I find irritating is when people attribute views or attitudes to me that I do not hold, based upon the labels they or other people pin on me. That doesn’t strike me as a likely outcome of your remark.
Progressives constantly preach the corruption of the human soul, but no one ever offers sound methods for reversing inherent human selfishness.
Jesus did, among others. They’re just DIFFICULT methods. And they don’t work for the authoritarians who so often hijack progressive movements, so they often aren’t in vogue in those circles.
How would you contrast that with the authoritarians who have hijacked the conservative movement?
Edited to add: For that matter, what progressive leaders are you considering authoritarian, specifically? Barack Obama? Katha Pollitt? Howard Zinn? Angela Davis?
Our authoritarians don’t kill huge fractions of their own population in an attempt to impose the ideological agenda.
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, Robert. Specifically, who are the authoritarians in the progressive movement who have killed huge fractions of their own populations in order to impose idealogical agendas?
Stalin? Mao? Chavez? Castro?
(Well, in fairness, Chavez hasn’t gotten around to killing huge numbers yet, and probably won’t be allowed to by his neighbors. And Castro was more of a gulag builder than a death camp builder.)
Our authoritarians don’t kill huge fractions of their own population in an attempt to impose the ideological agenda.
Er? Hitler. Pinochet. What’s-his-name the S Vietnamese leader under the US. I guess I can’t add Bush since you specified their own populations and he’s only killed hundreds of thousands to millions of Iraqis and Afghanis. Evil leaders come in all ideological flavors.
Stalin and Mao? Really?
Just goes to show, conservatives really are unable to fashion a reasonable, logical argument about anything. (ETA: Yes, that was unfair, but I don’t think Robert’s argument merited a fair response.)
Edited to add: “Leader of a communist dictatorship” does not equal “progressive leader.”
They aren’t progressive leaders. Read. They’re authoritarians who hijacked progressive movements. Did Stalin take over a right-wing enterprise? No. He took over a progressive one.
Oh, and I need to apologize for and withdraw the “read” crack. Bad day here. Nothing to do with you, but I took it out here. My bad. Sorry.
Apology accepted, thanks.
If your point is that all movements can, in theory, be hijacked by authoritarian dictators, I agree, but I’m not sure what the utility of the point is, or why you brought it up.
If your point is that progressive movements, but not right-wing movements, can be hijacked by authoritarian dictators, then I can see why you brought it up, but I don’t think it’s an accurate point.
Reversing human selfishness is usually something that progressive movements have to consider; right-wing movements either use or ignore human selfishness, or assume it as part of an unchangeable background. That’s why “progressives” came into it. See my comment 7.
A propos to this, check out The Authoritarians, which should have been named Dictators and the Women (and Men) who Love Them. Here’s an excerpt from Chap. 1:
Angry Black Woman’s harassment on her site.