Marx at 190

Map Singer writes:

Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier…in a two story house with an interior courtyard that still exists today (and is now situated at “Karl Marx street” of said city), which was typical of a petty bourgeoisie Prussian family.

Karl Heinrich Marx nace el 5 de mayo de 1818 en Trier…en una casa de dos pisos con un patio interior todavía existente (y que se sitúa hoy en la “calle Karl Marx” de la indicada ciudad), propia de una familia de la pequeña burguesía prusiana.

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5 Responses to Marx at 190

  1. RonF says:

    Perhaps it’s symmetry that if we are going to recognize the birthdays of heroes and saints we should also remember the birthdays of villans and devils as well.

  2. Rich B. says:

    Marx was a brilliant political thinker. Unfortunately, he was followed up by a bunch of idiot “Marxists” who misunderstood his point and ruined a big chunk of the world in the process.

    Blaming Marx for Communism is like blaming Charles Darwin for the Eugenics movement.

  3. Jim says:

    Why the reference to a “petty bourgeoisie Prussian family”. Trier is nowhere near Prussia, and Marx’s family was certainly not Prussian.

  4. Actually Trier was apart of the Prussian Empire. Trier was apart of the Prussian Rhineland.

  5. Jim says:

    “Actually Trier was apart of the Prussian Empire.”

    “…..had very recently become part of….” would be a lot closer to the truth. Prussia got control of that area long, long after that house was built, along with about every other structure in the city. It’s silly to call it Prussian anything. It may not be Bavaria, but even in that part of the country people would still find it insulting and offensive to be called Prussian.

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