Open Link & Comment Thread: Annie Ross Is Cooler Than You Are Edition

Use this thread to post whatever you’d like; self-linking is encouraged. Meanwhile, here’s Annie Ross singing “Twisted”:

Although I love this clip because Ross does such a great job with gesture and expression, I wonder if she had a cold that day; her voice sounds a bit flatter here than in any other old recording of her I’ve heard (for example).

Ross’ singing partners Lambert and Hendricks were also cooler than you, by the way:

Lambert and Hendricks passed on some time ago, I think, [UPDATE: I am informed in comments that Hendricks is alive and well. Sorry, Mr. Hendricks!] but Ross is still performing today.

Curtsy: Shakesville.

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9 Responses to Open Link & Comment Thread: Annie Ross Is Cooler Than You Are Edition

  1. This strip did a storyline this week about sexism in workplace. Some of you might find it interesting.

  2. Ginjoint says:

    FWIW, Jon Hendricks is alive and well.

  3. I love “Twisted” — learned to sing along after hearing it on Dr. Demento when he was playing on the AM late Saturday nights.

    I neglected to mention “Kiva” as a possible charity for Barry, but I’d like to mention it here — A great way to put some leftover latte money to good use. Drink fewer lattes, make more microloans.

  4. ms_xeno says:

    Too bad there’s a story on the back of the Everybody’s Boppin’ LP (by Hendricks) stating that Ross conned Georgia Brown (the “lost” 4th member of the group) into leaving because “I wanted to be the only girl.”

    Hendricks married a singer (Judith), and his two daughters (Aria and Michelle) are also very accomplished musicians. As recently as a year or so ago, he was recording with Nancy King and Karrin Alyson;both of whom are based in this area.

  5. Sage says:

    Just Saturday night I was googling the Joni Mitchell version of Twisted and found this Ross version. Then I click here today, and here it is again. Feels like it’s everywhere all of a sudden. (Okay, two times isn’t everywhere, but still.)

  6. Joe says:

    Daisy, I didn’t find it very racist. (obviously there’s a continuum, but if I had to boil it down to a yes or no I’m going to go with no.)

    The main villain was white.
    Of the 4 characters with names’ Tony, Pepper, Obbie, and Rodney one was non-white, and he never said ‘bling bling’.
    the minor villians were a gane of international terrorists from many countries, including Hungary.
    They showed that Afghani’s were the victim of the violence…

    so I vote no.

    so…I’ll go no.

  7. RonF says:

    Open thread, eh?

    So, Sen. Kennedy has an inoperable brain tumor. From what I hear, it’s a fairly agressive kind of tumor.

    Our thoughts and prayers should be with him and his family in this time. I oppose the man politically, but this is not the kind of thing you wish on anyone. Having just been though this kind of thing, I do sympathize with the family.

    But the Kennedy family has politics in their blood, so it’s not outrageous to ask what effect this will have on politics. He won’t be out there campaigning for anyone, and he’s a big hitter that’ll be missed by the Democrats in both campaigning and fund raising. He might even have to resign his Senate seat – I wonder if he’ll do so in time to have an election for his seat in November. If he does not (and I don’t know how many days in advance he’d have to do so to make a new election), then the Governor will be able to name someone to take his seat.

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