GOP Congressman Hires School A/V Club To Create Ad

From The Tarkio Sentinal:

Tarkio, Missouri — Representative Sam Graves today stunned opponents and allies alike by announcing that his re-election campaign has placed the Tarkio Junior High School A/V Club in charge of creating new advertising.

“It’s not just about saving money,” Congressman Graves announced today in press conference held in the A/V Club Room, which also houses the Tarkio Junior High School Chess Club and the Tarkio Junior High School Science Fiction Society. “It’s about supporting the real America, rather than supporting professional ad executives, who all too frequently live in large cities, or at least have visited large cities for meetings. San Francisco is a large city, you know. I’d rather buy my advertising from America. Billy, George and Trevor have shown me that they have what it takes to help me to win this reelection campaign.”

William “Billy” Greaver, the A/V Club President, explained to reporters how he and the two other A/V Club members spent two entire weekends creating the groundbreaking TV ad. “It wasn’t easy, because Trevor was supposed to babysit the Morlan kids last Saturday, so we had to find a substitute for him and everything.” Trevor, who was scheduled for gym class that period, could not be reached for comment.

George Wilsonette, the A/V Club Treasurer, announced that the money paid the A/V Club by the Graves campaign would enable them to buy a second video camera in time for the Fall semester.

A representative of Kay Barnes, the Democrat running against Representative Graves, was reached by phone, but had no comment other than incoherent noises which may have been either laughter or weeping.

(Hat tip.)

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5 Responses to GOP Congressman Hires School A/V Club To Create Ad

  1. 1
    Kevin Moore says:

    Well, I like the concept. It’s a good gimmick, even if the good congressman fails to recognize that San Francisco is, in fact, a part of “America” – the United States, thereof, at any rate.

    I think he should just get an i-cam and post rambling messages to YouTube.

  2. 2
    RonF says:

    I like that domain name ….

  3. 3
    Les says:

    Interracial dancing! cowboy hats! Cable cars! aieee!!!!!

    I love it. I love specifically where the narrator says, “yes to same sex marriage” “yes to abortion”

    Of course, she means “no” to those things, but I like the yeses seeping into the viewing public’s subconscious.

  4. 4
    Raznor says:

    Oh my God, Kay Barnes is being supported by someone from a city where people dance in gaudy 1980’s attire!!!!!!

  5. 5
    Silenced is foo says:

    I’d have enjoyed that sentiment and idea without including the steaming pile of pure outright bigoted hatred.