Clinton and Misogyny

Brownfemipower blogs about the recent lose of Hilary Clinton (we’ll, technically not a lose yet):

I feel your loss, I understand why it hurts to see a woman lose, probably (I disagree, but I am willing to see your point) because of sexism.

But some of us who care about institutional misogyny don’t feel a loss at Clinton not being elected. There would have been no barrier broken if she were elected. I personally don’t look at Clinton and think–geez, look at all she accomplished–now I can do the same thing–I think–geez–she supported the militarization of the Mexican/U.S. border. There are women now being raped, arrested, imprisoned, and ripped from their children because she actively supports increased militarization at the border.

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2 Responses to Clinton and Misogyny

  1. 1
    Radfem says:

    The answer to that question–the answer that far too many women of color understand in our bones–is why some women of color find the sadness, the outrage, the hurt feelings over Clinton to be alienating and even insulting.

    Who opens whole threads so that ALL women can mourn (because isn’t that the way it *should* be?) when a 17 year old youth and her unborn baby dies from heat exhaustion? Who opens whole threads so that ALL women can mourn when families are ripped apart in the largest ICE raid in the history of the U.S.? Or when black women are forced to give fellatio to their sons and then leaders say–come out and support the rapists?

    And that doesn’t even get into the double edge sword of pro-Clinton women angrily declaring that they will either vote green (because McKinney wasn’t good enough to support the first time around–she is the 2nd place prize) or pro-Clinton women angrily declaring they will vote for a white man who called his wife a cunt in front of reporters rather than vote for a black woman who, because of racialized misogyny, hasn’t got a chance in hell of winning. Supporting a man who calls a woman he “loves” a Cunt is somehow *the* way to stand up to misogyny–not channeling all that anger and hurt into standing in support of their “sisters”.

    either way–both moves make an awful lot of women of color think it’s *white* women who are putting race before gender. Whiteness before “sisters”.

    The thing that they then like to turn around and beat us up with.

  2. 2
    Nora (nojojojo) says:

    Crossposting a modified comment from ABW:

    The attacks from Clinton’s stable of second-wave feminists are especially rage-inducing because they’re not just promoting racism with their bullshit, but sexism itself. It’s the sexism of comparison: in order for white women to be put on a pedestal by The Patriarchy, WoC have necessarily been put down. This forces all sorts of unrealistic expectations on the white women — e.g., white women must be the epitome of beauty; white women are desirable possessions/objects; white women can do no wrong. No woman in her right mind wants to be thought of this way, because in order to live up to those expectations she can’t be human. But the second-wavers keep trying to reject the pedestal without rejecting the putting-down of WoC that forms the pedestal’s base. They don’t seem to realize that as long as the pedestal is built on our backs, they’re never going to be able to get off the damn thing.

    So no, I don’t feel a loss at Clinton’s failure, and yes, I’m annoyed that so many white women feel a loss. Fine, they don’t see the racism. Yay for privilege. But they don’t see the sexism, either, and that just pisses me off.