Whiteness and Trust

Macon D. blogs:

Unlike a lot of non-white people, most white folks think that the world sees them as trustworthy, reliable, and honest, unless they do something to prove themselves otherwise. White people can dress in a variety of ways or wear a variety of adornments or tattoos that will lower the level of trust other people are likely to place in them. What they rarely realize, though, is that their whiteness itself often provokes mistrust. And that it does so for some good reasons.

[Hat Tip: Not Like Crazy…]

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5 Responses to Whiteness and Trust

  1. Pingback: anthro.pophago.us » believe others consider them trustworthy

  2. sailorman says:

    I’m always a bit confused by Jack’s posts. Is the goal to get people to respond here? At the authors blog? On the bullet blog, where the exact same post exists? Are we supposed to take these cites as emblematic of Jack’s views, or is he trying to claim the mantle of a neutral messenger?

    The posts are often interesting–I’m just not exactly sure what they’re for, if you know what I’m saying.

  3. Petar says:

    I think that they exist so that I can train my self-restraint. They usually express views which I find abhorent (as in the post above) and which I do not want to discuss here, because I do not want to lose whatever respect of have of some regulars.

  4. aroundthebend213 says:

    I thought this was a “progressive” blog?

  5. Ampersand says:

    SM, I don’t assume that Jack is looking for a response in comments at all (although I don’t think he’s against it, either). If I understand his goals correctly — and of course, maybe I don’t — I think he’s simply trying to get more people to read the blog posts he links to.

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