Frankenstein's Monster

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3 Responses to Frankenstein's Monster

  1. i love you jon stewert. and i would like to point out that mccain/palin supporters scare the shit out of me.
    and i just want to mention that if you compare mccain’s and obama’s myspace friends list, you will notice something very…interesting…about the majority of people on each list. not necessarily surprising, but interesting.

  2. macon d says:

    thanks, hadn’t seen this. as usual, stewart nails dangerous hypocrisy and then, well, torches it to ashes. The parallel of shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater comes to mind too. Some speech shouldn’t be “free,” and I think McCain and Palin have definitely crossed the line into incitement territory.

  3. Zula says:

    You know, I don’t think McCain is truly regretting having stirred up his bigoted supporters this much. By painting Obama as the Big Scary Black Arab Muslim Terrorist he strikes very deep chords with a lot of white voters, and by (publicly, at least) saying, “Hey now, you’re going to far, Obama’s not all bad,” then he can SEEM like he’s really a decent guy who doesn’t really believe all that his supporters are saying… despite the fact that his supporters are saying Obama’s a terrorist BECAUSE of McCain’s campaign. It’s all very calculated – both the racsim and the simultaneous denial of racism.

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