Sydney Quinn and Oberon share an interest in sprawling.

By the way, I’m headed off to Florida, to visit my parents and hang out by the pool (it’s a tough life, I know). I expect I’ll be able to keep posting semi-regularly, but if you don’t hear from me for the next week, then that didn’t work out..
Now THAT wins the Most Cute Picture Award hands down!
Nice poto. That’s the sprawl convention!
Looks like cat and kid were slipped the same mickey. ;-)
Oh wow, that’s really really cute.
It looks so comfy, too. . .
Excuse me, I think I need to go sprawl.
Too cute for words.
Heh, Oberon looks like my Datsa, especially when he’s sprawling like that. :)
Oberon also looks exactly like my Mosely, except that one of them has a black chin and the other has a white chin. So with Datsa, there’s at least three of them out there. :-)
Tuxedo Cats will take over the world. :)
So cute it hurts!
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