Nap Time

Sydney Quinn and Oberon share an interest in sprawling.


By the way, I’m headed off to Florida, to visit my parents and hang out by the pool (it’s a tough life, I know). I expect I’ll be able to keep posting semi-regularly, but if you don’t hear from me for the next week, then that didn’t work out..

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12 Responses to Nap Time

  1. Emma says:

    Now THAT wins the Most Cute Picture Award hands down!

  2. John Isbell says:

    Nice poto. That’s the sprawl convention!

  3. Lachlan says:

    Looks like cat and kid were slipped the same mickey. ;-)

  4. JRC says:

    Oh wow, that’s really really cute.

    It looks so comfy, too. . .

    Excuse me, I think I need to go sprawl.


  5. kevin says:


  6. Elayne Riggs says:

    Heh, Oberon looks like my Datsa, especially when he’s sprawling like that. :)

  7. Ampersand says:

    Oberon also looks exactly like my Mosely, except that one of them has a black chin and the other has a white chin. So with Datsa, there’s at least three of them out there. :-)

  8. Elayne Riggs says:

    Tuxedo Cats will take over the world. :)

  9. Liora says:

    So cute it hurts!

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