Marriage Equality Demonstration In Portland

I couldn’t make out a word the speakers said — heck, I couldn’t even see the speakers, I only know they were there because I could hear their amplified voices womp-womp-womping like a grownup in a Peanuts TV special, followed at intervals by the crowd cheering — but the energy was excited and enjoyable, and everyone I spoke to was nice.

There were two demonstrations in Portland today (and around 300 nationwide — Box Turtle Bulletin has lots of links!); the one I attended was on the Portland State University campus. I bused down, Sydney in tow, and we spent a while enjoying the demonstration. Then we went to a toy store, where Sydney fell in love with a truly disgusting chicken doll. (When you squeeze it, a gooey mess with a yolk inside bubbles out of it’s bottom).

Here’s some photos; click to see them bigger.

Proposition 8 protest at PSU, November 15 2008

Proposition 8 protest at PSU, November 15 2008. Photo taken from the library steps.

Proposition 8 protest at PSU, November 15 2008

Proposition 8 protest at PSU, November 15 2008. That woman's hair is so Portland.

Proposition 8 protest at PSU, November 15 2008

Sydney poses in front of a rainbow flag.

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10 Responses to Marriage Equality Demonstration In Portland

  1. werdna says:

    What, no pics of the disgusting chicken doll?

  2. Pingback: Box Turtle Bulletin » Readers Send In Their Protest Pictures

  3. Radfem says:

    I was going to hit the one downtown in my city but I had to go to a community forum with the FBI.

    There were people whining in the comments section of the local paper’s coverage of the demonstrations about protesting while California was on fire meaning it was fire season. But it’s always fire season in case these critics haven’t noticed since the global warming got started. There was a fire within five miles but I think it’s on its way out.

    The turnout locally was about several hundred which is pretty good.

  4. Radfem says:

    People protested at El Coyote restaurant in Los Angeles, which is on the list of boycotted restaurants because of the Prop. 8 donation by its manager.

    Oh Marjorie, how could you do that!

  5. Bluefish says:

    We went to ours in San Diego, RadFem, and my daughter wore her pink FBI ski cap, so I guess she was representing for you. (She’s camera shy these days, so no photo alas). The San Diego Union Tribune is saying there were 20,000 people there. Wow!

  6. Crap! I knew I should have taken my camera to the Long Beach rally. Oh well.

    Sydney = adorable.

  7. Radfem says:

    Here’s some information and pictures from some Inland Empire rallies.

  8. Bjartmarr says:

    The one in LA was huge. I had several friends who decided to stay down in Orange County and go to rallies there, on the theory that they would have fewer participants and their presence would make a bigger impact.

    We ended up marching down Sunset back to Hollywood, which was great because we actually got a lot more exposure than when we were clustered around City Hall with all traffic diverted blocks away.

  9. Rachel says:

    Looked for you there, but missed you. I’m in your photo, though, or at least my hand and sign are. =D

  10. Ampersand says:

    Oh, I’m sorry I missed you there! (Plus, you could have met Sydney!)

    So which hand and sign are yours?

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