The Freedom of Choice Act has been introduced in the House and Senate, and will (I predict) die in committee. FOCA, if it became law, would::
Although it won’t pass, it’s still good to support this bill – both for its symbolic importance, and to get the idea of a bill declaring “reproductive decisions are between a woman, her doctor and her god” in play. The pro-lifers don’t wait until they can pass a bill (like the “partial-birth” abortion ban) before proposing it; instead, they propose their bills year after year, rain or shine, minority or majority, until something eventually sticks. In this, we should imitate them.
NARAL has an online petition you can sign to support FOCA..
Just a quick note to remind folks that it’s not “a woman, her doctor, and her god”–it’s a woman and her health care provider, who may or may not be a physician, and let’s try to keep gods out of it. Yeah, Barry, I know that’s not what *you* were saying, but as a health care provider who’s not a physician, I get fed up with the focus on doctors all the time.
I believe that we should all have a choice.
the choice is for us to decide if we want to be murdered before we are born or live long enough to make the decision to continue to live.
Those who believe that they should have the choice to kill their babies before they are born should accept the fact that is should be retroactive in the case of their parents.
Well that makes it easy. Prior to the abortion procedure, we can just ask the fetus if it would like to be removed. If it says no, then cancel. If not, proceed according to plan. Easy.
Gee Nancy, I don’t have any memories of when I was a fetus, and I’m pretty sure you don’t either. Probably because when we were fetuses we didn’t have any personalities, conceptions of ourselves or others, knowledge of anything more than darkness and the most vegetal of wants…basically anything that would make us an animal, let alone human.
How can you regret never having existed?
I love this line of thought coming out of anti-choicers. THEY KNOW its bizzare and nonsensical, yet they trot it out over and over again in the most fascinating displays of cognitive dissonance.
No you don’t understand you must wait for the infant to be old enough to make the decision before you Kill them. If at that time they decide that they are too much of a burdon to the parents that were responsible for their existance then you can Kill them but then even the socialist among you would consider that to be murder. So the only real solution to the problem would be for those who believe that abortion is the right thing to do is to go to your parents and request your own “late term” abortion
Think obout it!
Nancy C
an infant that has escaped the murder of the abortionist also has no rememberence of having been an infant but he is still a living human being So would you say that being able to remember has nothing to do with being alive.
I am not an “anti-choicer” I believe in choice like I said in an earlier post the choice should be the murderee not the murderer.
Talk about “cognitive dissonance” when someone does what he knows to be wrong it is always more pleasent to call it by a more acceptable term like “the right to choose” instead if murder of an infant. It’s like calling homosexuals “gay instead of refering to it as a perversion and like using the term “affermative action” for racial preference. the list goes on and on. You can get the picture. Truth and logic is the stumbling block of those that are trying to promote the socialist agenda. But there are those of use that can see through the deception.
Nancy C
That is a very good explanation of what abortion really is. I never thought of that way. Most poeple look at it from the perspective of the parent or should I say “the boilogical reason for the fetus to exist” because they are not yet a parent if they abort the baby.
This has changed my entire outlook on the issue. the baby is the one to be considered not the one who would rather not be bothered with a child.
I came here seeking answers today and you were here to help me. I apperciate that very much. I was trying to make a decision and I now have. thanks to you, I will seek a means to have someone adopt my child instead of having an abortion since I will not be able to care for her due to my physical and financial condition.
I am so glad that I came to this site today!
Thanks again
Wow, I think Nancy’s last two posts are officially the nuttiest to ever grace this fine site. Congratulations Amp, you’ve become principled enough to earn the presence of paranoid, logic-challenged, frothy trolls (the equivalent of medals in the political blogging world).
Want to bet that if we goad this “Nancy” character enough we’ll discover someone with RAHOWA tattooed on his/her arm, “Nordic Thunder” playing on his/her mp3 device, and a swords-sized cross engraved with runes hanging from his/her neck?
You bleeding heart righous people should wake up. the population is getting out of hand we need to elimenate any further expansion of it.
The people in China kill every child that is born to parents that already have a child. and almost all of the females that are born. And look how well they are doing, well the men have to go to Japan and surronding areas to find a wife but thats not a problem.
What would we do with so many kids to take care of anyway it makes it harder to live with your parents when you have a bunch of kids running around of your own. They shouldn’t be burdened with that kind of responsibility it’s enough that we have to live with them while we get a start in life. I don’t know, maybe they should have aborted us. well anyway like Dan said in his post, the fetus don’t know about it anyway or wouldn’t remember so it is not such a big deal
And here is something you probably have not thought about if tou don’t like the people that are aborting their babies just think, if they get rid of their babies there will be less people thinking the way they do in the future so in the furure, only the people that teach what you believe will be around because the abortionists will not have offspring to grow up to abort their babies so I guess that in the end you win.
Funnily enough, “Nancy” and “Molly” have the exact same IP address. What a coincidence!
Oh, and Kirk too!
Boy this deep river guy is off the wall I don’t have the slighest idea what he is talking about.
Nancy sez:
“Boy this deep river guy is off the wall I don’t have the slighest idea what he is talking about.”
Off the wall? Look who’s talking, Ms. Cell-cluster=Adult. I’m sorry, you can’t play the “I’m so innocent I can’t understand these allegations” card after the last post you made under the name “Nancy”. That was naked racism, homophobia, AND misogyny, the bigot trifecta if I ever saw it.
But maybe you’re right. Perhaps you aren’t an adult skinhead type, but a self-righteous 15 year old Alex P. Keaton type who thinks she has all the answers, and considers herself the savviest of geniuses for posting replies to her own posts under pseudonyms. If this is the case, I recommend you go out there and experience a little more of the harshness of life before criticizing the decisions of other women.
Not to mention this gem:
No you don’t understand you must wait for the infant to be old enough to make the decision before you Kill them. If at that time they decide that they are too much of a burdon to the parents that were responsible for their existance then you can Kill them but then even the socialist among you would consider that to be murder.
Wait, do you have any clue what “socialist” means? Probably not. You have the elegance and insight of R Robot. And the posting under multiple names? WTF? Are you like some sort of 13 year old who’s new to this whole “internet” thang? Or what?
Rasner I do know the meaning of socialism, the ones following the socialist ways are the ones who don’t understand it. We that do understand it know that it is very distructive and steer clear of it’s teaching. the heard mentality is for those who will not try to find the truth about anything and just follow along with the croud. You follow untill it is too late. Cuba comes to mind and the Soviet Union. They thought it was a good thing untill they found that they were living under a dictatorship.
Try reading the Comunist Menifesto.
Nancy C
Well, as her last post (pretty much a rip off of Ronald Reagan’s writings but with none of the subtlety, surprise surprise) demonstrates, Nancy can’t be the R Robot since that thing can actually spell. Beyond the fact that she called Raznor “Rasner” we see that she:
Spelled destructive as “distructive”, used the contraction of it is to refer to ITS teachings, used “heard” where she should have used herd, spelled crowd as “croud”, repeatedly spells until as “untill”, and botches communist manifesto as “Comunist Menifesto.”
But of course a few spelling errors aren’t the measure of a person. So we can also look at her strange, comma-lacking sentence structure, which is filled with all kinds of goofy melodramatic moments like “the ones following the socialist ways” and “we that do understand.”
Nancy, talking like that makes you sound like an apocalyptic prophet ranting about his favorite alien-satanist cult conspiracy, which you may think is perfectly appropriate, but only inspires snickering and eye-rolling in us.
But then, maybe your intent isn’t to reach us in courteous debate, but to mock us to make yourself feel righteous, in which case you have also failed since you keep coming across as a regressive clown. I’m am increasingly convinced that you are a 15 to 13 year old who is too young and inexperienced to realize SHE’S the one with the “heard mentality” who is “following the croud”.
As for your accusations of socialism, I don’t know about Raznor but I think socialism is as irresponsible as libertarianism, so if you still feel like making a fool of yourself by posting again you’d best try a different angle of paranoia. Go back to your plagiarized Reagan notes and I’m sure you’ll find something to unthinkingly regurgitate.
I agree completely with Nancy. I was in her college course, and she was the best teacher I ever had!
Next to me, Nancy is the most honest person on the internet.
Oh for the love of Maude, are you still posting under multiple names Nancy after Amp exposed you!? Unless this “Mary Rosh” is a real person (which I doubt) then you’ve managed to sink even lower than I thought possible (quite a feat considering that you’re a racist, sexist, homophobic, paranoid lunatic juvenile)
Actually, Mary Rosh was the pseudonym John Lott used to support his claim that more guns does not equal more crime. In other words, “Molly” and “Kirk” are to “Nancy” as “Mary Rosh” is to John Lott.
Nancy, since you are a 13-year-old new to the internet, allow me to correct your misconception. My goal is that you don’t carry this misconception into adulthood.
Socialism and Communism are not the same thing. Communism is an anti-individualist, anti-totalitarian dictum that has always been totalitarian in practice. Socialism is an economic theory that is completely unrelated to individualism or totalitarianism. Hence the existence of “Socialist Democracies” such as Sweden.
The Communist Manifesto is just another in a long list of utopic writings in the tradition of Sir Thomas More and Plato that was intended as a political tool. Marx intended Communism to be a global revolution, but he was thinking of it as starting in a place like Germany, where the population is urbanized and well-educated to the extent that literacy is expected of any individual in the populace, hence his appeal to the proletariat as opposed to the peasant. However the Communist movement centered in non-urbanized peasant societies like Russia and China.
I hope this was informative. Please don’t mention socialism as a blanket term since it’s not. Socialism has nothing to do with a woman’s right to choose. A pro-choice person might be Socialist or anti-Socialist, and a Socialist might be pro-choice or pro-life. And a pro-life person might be Socialist or anti-Socialist and an anti Socialist might be pro-choice or pro-life. There is no relationship between the two dictums.
Mr. Rasnor,
You are right I’m 13. It was real nice of you to help me out with the defenation of socialism and stuff. I know i have a lot to learn and talking to nice people like you will help a lot.
Thank you for explaining, A pro-choice person might be Socialist or anti-Socialist, and a Socialist might be pro-choice or pro-life. And a pro-life person might be Socialist or anti-Socialist and an anti Socialist might be pro-choice or pro-life. There is no relationship between the two dictums. I didn’t even know what a dictum is actually i still don’t but I will go look it up right now.
your new friend,
*Reads last post by Nancy and feels profoundly weirded out. Turns on sarcasm detector just in case…*
After reading your comment, I went back to look at “Mary Rosh”‘s email address:
Obviously, somenone’s found a great way to have fun, here.
Yeah, DRA, I’m seriously weirded out. I guess if that’s not sarcastic, then I’m glad to help. I guess.
I’m not being sarcastic I’ve been in this institution where they have tought me about this. I never heard the other side of it. I’ll only be here for a little longer so things will be different. Not every one here believes the same way but are not allowed to teach other ways
there are other girls here that would like to learn about this also. you have been a big help to me. and I’ll tell the others about this site.
Nancy C
Okay, then, yay. Glad to be of help.
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop…
Mr Raznor,
You seem to know a lot about socialism. are you a socialist?
I was wondering about the type of abortion where they get the baby’s head out and then punctur the head and suck the brain out. I was wondering if that would hurt the baby or does it have any feeling at that time. or is the whole thing a myth. I just don’t know what to believe.
The type of abortion you are referring to is called an “Intact Dialation and Extraction” and is usually only used on fetii which are either…
1. Dead or
2. Severely deformed.
A major example would be severe hydrocephaly, wherein the child would die soon after birth, without ever gaining consiousness, AND have to be delivered by a cesaerian due to the size of the head.
Would there be pain? I am not certain. In many of the cases when this would come up, we would be dealing with no consiousness whatsoever. If you were not, different options might be necessary.
It’s not a pretty thought. But sometimes it’s the least-worst option.
How could the mother be at risk at this stage, when the late term abortion is used.
Mr Raznor,
You seem to know a lot about socialism. are you a socialist?
First off, please, call me Raznor. It’s a pseudonym.
I just noticed this, which is why it’s more than a week before responding. But I’m not a socialist, although there are certain ideas in Socialism I like. If I were European I’d be a Social Democrat, likely, if I’m familiar with what that party really means. But I’m not, so I’m just a leftist. And at times a white black-recolutionary wannabe. Like Fritz the Cat. Except with less sex. Much, much less sex.