Hey, remember that zany American Family Association poll about gay marriage? After getting results overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage, the AFA has decided not to send the results of the poll to Congress, after all.
Of course, no such poll can be said to represent an accurate picture of popular opinion. But, clearly, the AFA had hoped Congress would take the numbers it planned to produce as exactly that kind of evidence.
Now, Smith says, his organization has had to abandon its goal of taking the poll to Capitol Hill.
“We made the decision early on not to do that,” Smith admitted, “because of how, as I say, the homosexual activists around the country have done their number on it.”
Hee hee..
Oh, those crazy homosexual activists!
I am neither homosexual nor an activist … but I’m still damn glad the vote went the way it did!!
I love the smell of irony in the morning.
The sheer number of homosexuals who invaded this poll is appalling. It’s a shame that our society has encouraged these perverts & deviants to feel comfortable in public. And to voce their opinions.
(Yes, that is sarcasm)
I feel just awful for the AFA.
*looks innocent* poll? what poll? I didn’t vote in any poll.
Ah, yes, “our number.” Hee.
I’m proud to be included amongst those homosexual activists around your country!
Catarina – Swedish heterosexual homosexual American activist.
I suppose that this makes me a homosexual activist, even though I’m straight and married.
Well, it’s the same bullshit as always. Anyone who advocates gay rights must be gay themselves, because no straight person would be able to stomach such horrible sin.
In the meanwhile, eat it AFA! Ha ha.
I thought that when he said “homosexual advocates” he meant advocates of homosexuality, not necessarily advocates who were themselves homosexual.
Which would also be bullshit. Like what, we’re saying “yay homosexuality. be more homosexual everyone.” You know, that whole Homosexual Agenda thing. I still stand by my statement that AFA ought to eat it. (not that I think you were defending them or anything)