Mumbai is the target again!

Madhat gives us links to photos and blog posts from India on the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai.



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2 Responses to Mumbai is the target again!

  1. kashmira says:


    Why Mumbai? Whereis Rajh Thackrey now? When commandoes came to save refugees, many of them were from Uttar Pradesh, where was raj that time ? why after terrorist attack he went into his shell, he has not come out and utter aword?
    This issue is to be adddressed agressively.
    Now is time to act, ACTION NOT WORDS

  2. kashmira says:

    Today we do not require any resignation what we require is protection, safety.
    Evenif we take resignation frompolitician, it will encourage terrorists that because of thesev few 10 people, the whole of nation is effected politically, so pls take some concret decisipon instead of just resignations.

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