Carol Boltz's blog

A few years ago, Christian music star Ray Boltz came out of the closet to his family; this September, he came out as a gay man publicly.

Ray’s incredibly supportive ex-wife, Carol Boltz, has a blog and a fascinating perspective. From “How I came out as a straight ally“:

Some are confused by the fact that I was “wronged” by my husband who came out as gay. Some assume that I’d be angry, not just with him but with ALL gay men. There are those who I used to go to church with that are puzzled when I actually support and affirm loving relationships between gay individuals, and that I openly advocate for gay marriage.

But the real reason I’m posting is to point out this post, which is an absolutely awesome response to a concern troll.

Ray Boltz is still making music, by the way, although I doubt his old audience wants to hear what he’s singing nowadays. You can hear his newest release, “Don’t Tell Me Who To Love,” on his blog.

Hat tip: Box Turtle Bulletin.

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