Video: Yellow Rage

Via Womanist Musings.

(If your work isn’t safe for people yelling out swear words, then this is NSFW.)

UPDATE: And here’s Yellow Rage’s website (via Cactus Wren in the comments at The Curvature). They have CDs and a chapbook for sale.

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6 Responses to Video: Yellow Rage

  1. As an Japanese-American myself I’ve had similar encounters the women in this clip describes.

    Maybe next time I’ll go into a swear rage :)

  2. awesome. bad ass and empowering! these ladies rock

  3. RonF says:

    Well, often enough the female employees here are yelling out swear words, so that’s not a show stopper; but they’re not generally accompanied by music.

  4. lostdwarf says:

    Thank you for this. I never see aggressive Asian women in the media, outside of Margaret Cho. They’re typically… well, stereotypes that I don’t relate to.

  5. Denise says:

    Wow, are there really people rude enough to walk up to someone speaking another language and ask them what they’re talking about? WTF.

  6. Ali says:

    oh yeah Denise. In Texas it’s Spanish, although it’s less “What did you say?” and more “Why can’t they learn to speak the goddamn language?” Both do happen though.
    They seem to forget that those people aren’t talking to them and we don’t have a national language anyway.

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