Open Thread, Babypede edition

This is an open thread. Use it to post what you like, with whomever you like, for as long as you like. Self-linking is normal and natural and will probably be encouraged by the new administration.

By the way, I’m sick (I suspect strep throat), so my blogging participation is going to be reduced until I feel better.

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8 Responses to Open Thread, Babypede edition

  1. Silenced is Foo says:

    I am always curious about babypede’s head. Where did they find a baby doll head so horrifying?

  2. Radfem says:

    Is that what it was?

    I’ve been busy lately, working on some issues with the ACLU (yay!). But I’ve been looking into the relocation of my city’s Internal Affairs Division which was shoved into a building with other police divisons that looks abandoned and doesn’t even have signage on it saying what’s housed there. What a joke. I got one elected official who went down to look at it and discuss the problems with the city manager.

  3. Sailorman says:

    Brilliant people are attacking subway ads of women , and are pasting mockups of photoshop toolbars onto them as a statement. it looks cooler than I am describing it to be. Photoshopped Subway Ads Here.

    This is a link to a book by Edmund Gorey entitled The Recently Deflowered Girl. It is a nice bit of parody poking fun at the customary unwillingness of virgins to have sex and a variety of other things. And besides, we should all read more Gorey. It’s probably NSFW, though it’s only text and non-pornographic illustrations.

  4. Lisa Wade says:

    Over at Sociological Images:

    Gwen questions the one laptop per child program and offers a depressing photo-essay revealing the effects of the economic downturn on a mall in Las Vegas.

  5. Babypede is so scary! Wow.

    In All Your Children Are Belong to Us I discuss some of the questionable aspects of international adoption.

    I wrote Macho Christ about a church in Seattle that has found a new take on a very old tradition: hating on women and gays.

    I heart Alas writers and readers, so come by and visit me if you like!

  6. DSimon says:

    Reminds me of the Invader Zim episode where the evil alien babies merged together to form evil-alien-baby-Voltron…

    Anyways, for those situations when it becomes necessarily to discreetly inform someone that they are being a douche, these are now available. I’d like to see a “jerkass” version myself, but these do in a pinch.

  7. DSimon says:

    Ah, and another neat link: Endless entertainment available from the Nostalgia Chick’s cynical analyses of various animated movies and other precious childhood memories.

    I had never actually listened to the lyrics of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” before… Eeech.

  8. Grad Student Selling Virginity Flooded With Offers. She did her BA in Women’s Studies, and while the article does not mention what she wants to do her graduate work in, the implication seems to be that it will be in the same, or a related field.

    Edited to add: Oops! Didn’t read carefully enough. It’s an old article.

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