An experiment

So I haven’t posted much. That much is obvious. I think of posts occasionally. My friend texted me ‘if we can’t trust celebrities to fight the class war, who can we trust?’ and it’d make a great title for a post about the Screen Actors Guild negotiations.*

But a fear of being trivial had never stopped me before. I have written more about ‘Joss’ than ‘colonialism’. There must be other reasons I am not writing.

My posting slowed down considerably after the raids of October the 15th 2007. It’s changed the focus of my politics, and I haven’t quite known how to deal with that. One of the things I have managed to write about has been prison. Most of the posts I’ve started and not finished over the last year, have been around the parole of police rapists. I am no longer satisfied with the pat answers I would have given 18 months ago. I maintained two sets of politics on parallel tracks, and wasn’t particularly interested in exploring the blurry space between them. But now I want to write about that space constantly, it crowds out everything else I might be interested in. But I never start because the task seems too huge.

I also think there’s an even deeper problem. After three years I’ve written out most of what I think. There are people who see the first role of their blogs as organising tools, or soapboxes. I’ve done both of these things, but I don’t see that as the purpose of this blog. I write to explore and clarify what I think. And after 3 years I’ve done that with most blog-sized thoughts in my head. So I can’t get in the habit of writing, because I don’t have the right sized things to say.

I don’t want to stop writing so I’ve decided to try and experiment, which addresses both these problems. Starting tomorrow everyday for at least two weeks, I’m going to write a post about the intersection between my ideas about violence against women and the ideas about prison at my blog. I’ll particularly be trying to write about what I don’t know, and don’t understand. I’ll probably cross post some, but not all those posts here.

If this works, then I’ve got some other ideas that I might write about for a concentrated . I’ll try and write out some of my ideas that are longer than a single blog post. And maybe in between these concentrated bursts I’ll write that post about the Screen Actors Guild.

* I sometimes have some strange text message conversations. Particularly when I’m watching a new television show. You’d be amazed at how much political analysis of a TV you can get into 140 characters, or perhaps my messages don’t make any sense.

This entry was posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, Prisons and Justice and Police. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to An experiment

  1. Susan says:

    Hi Maia, the link to your blog doesn’t work, it just takes me to some page advertising cheap hosting. Can you fix it? I’d like to bounce over there and read it.

  2. Thene says:

    I am going to be really, really interested in this post series, because those are two things I care a lot about.

  3. Sailorman says:

    Susan: I just had the same problem. here’s the right link:

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