Don't Divorce Us!

Everyone else is posting it, so I certainly should too.

Warning: May lead to weepyness.

“Fidelity”: Don’t Divorce… from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

This is the thing, right?

This is the thing that I just can’t get past, no matter what the arguments on the other side are.

No matter how many times they make up blatant lies about how “same sex marriage has never ever been tried before in the history of humanity,” ((And that is a lie, oh yes it is. It’s also a lie if you say it’s never been tried before in “western civilizations,” which hey, way to exclude most of the world, dude. Hell, you’re not even 100% if you say Same Sex Marriage has never been a Christian Rite! I really need to write a post about this.)) or how same-sex parents just aren’t as good as opposite-sex parents, or whatever their bullshit du jour is, none of it, even if it were true, would stack up against this.

None of it would stack up against happy couples and happy families who love each other. None of it would justify telling these families that they don’t deserve the same rights as any other.

The scale is weighted so heavily on the one side, I just can’t imagine what they could come up with to try to balance it on the other, but I do know that their hate and fear mongering isn’t enough. Not when stacked against this.

Please do not comment unless you accept the basic dignity, equality, and inherent worth of all people.

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16 Responses to Don't Divorce Us!

  1. Jake says:

    I am very intrigued by the footnote. Since the last line is “I really need to write a post about this,” I am hoping to see such a post soon.

  2. Myca says:

    I am hoping to see such a post soon.

    Yeah, you and me both.

    I’m having trouble coming up with a post on it that isn’t just a series of links to various historic examples of Same Sex Marriage. If that’s what it ends up being, fine, but it seems weighty enough to merit more than a link farm.


  3. RonF says:

    I’d like to see that posting as well.

  4. With a 50% divorce rate, you would think it obvious that love and commitment ought to be celebrated. Fear and hate come in many forms. None of them ought to be legislated.

  5. Ross says:

    A very sweet video. I haven’t been following this closely so who is Ken Starr working for? He’s a hired gun, right? I assume he’s not filing legal briefs on his own dime?

  6. My reaction is more mild discomfort than tears, although the couples themselves are very cute. I was going to avoid saying anything because it seems like a really inopportune time in this debate to start a super-polemical debate about the limitations of marriage activism… I’m as disturbed by the success of the religious right’s mobilizations in California as anyone… so I’ll just post this link, b/c it’s already all been said better than I’d say it anyway:

    (I too would love to hear more about those historical examples, btw).

  7. Katie says:

    Also got teary.

  8. :::sniffle::: this video is so amazing. how can anyone seek to destroy such loving families…satan’s minions, apparently…i sent this to everyone i know!

  9. Eva says:

    This, and I just saw “Milk”. Anybody got a tissue?

  10. PG says:


    Starr currently is dean of and a professor at Pepperdine Law School, so he may well be filing legal briefs on his own dime. It’s not that expensive when you’re a lawyer and can recruit students to do the grunt work in the guise of “academic research credits.”

  11. Ampersand says:

    Starr is officially working for the “Yes on Proposition 8” organization, and will argue their case for them before the California Supreme Court in March. Maybe he’s doing it gratis, but I suspect that he’s being paid by Yes on 8.

  12. Mandolin says:

    Myca, I think I said before that I’d work on the post with you — we could share drafts?

  13. Pingback: Some Links « Our Descent Into Madness

  14. SusanE says:

    I just don’t get it! I am an educated person who reads and keep up with current affairs, but I will never understand how so much money and so much precious time can be spent fighting against people who just want to live their lives lovingly, who are no threat to anyone, who are who they are. When crime and greed and hunger and abuse abound everywhere, Starr and his backers actually want to waste government resources to punish those who simply want the right to be who they are.
    Sad, sad, sad.

  15. If governments are going to enforce Christian precepts about marriage, they should declare all marriages where one or both parties is divorced (and the exp-spouse(s) is/are still alive) as invalid. (Unlike gay sex, there is explicit mention of Jesus saying that divorcing and marrying another person is wrong.)

    If they don’t do that (and I suspect they won’t) they can’t claim this is about religion/ethics/family values. This is about a visceral “Ew! Men having sex with men! Women having sex with women! That’s just gross!” reaction.

    I am a bisexual woman. My religion says that I can only have relationships with men, that I can only have sex within marriage and that marriage last “until death do us part”. I accept that. It’s not easy, but I freely choose to follow those rules.

    I also freely choose to eat bacon sandwiches. Jews and Muslims and veggies and vegans don’t try to stop me. They may try to talk me out of it, but they don’t FORCE me to stop.

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