Open thread: Beer Dominos edition

Self-linking is beautiful and healthy and in no way makes you a pervert.

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15 Responses to Open thread: Beer Dominos edition

  1. Sailorman says:

    that is amazing.

  2. Dan Perkins (of “This Modern World”) did a long piece on the history of alt-weekly comics. It’s worth reading.

  3. nobody.really says:

    Self-linking is beautiful and healthy and in no way makes you a pervert.

    NOW you tell us. Think of all these years I’ve wasted on self-linking….

  4. RonF says:

    Self-linking is beautiful and healthy and in no way makes you a pervert.

    Yeah, but it grows hair on your keyboard.

  5. Krupskaya says:

    A post I did about finding cool books in the recycling bin.

  6. what an awesome video. sucks for whoever has to clean it all up though.

    so, i just saw Coraline, and so i wrote a post on race and gender in the movie. well, mostly gender, and a little something about race, but whatever. i would love some comments on it since i want to know what everyone is thinking. there are no spoilers so it’s safe for you to read if you haven’t seen the movie and are planning to.

  7. Ruchama says:

    A post I wrote as a Jewish feminist view of the creation (mostly after getting frustrated at the millionth post that just assumed that Christianity = Judaism + Jesus.)

  8. also, i might be writing a follow-up post on Coraline after I’ve finished a few polls on message boards. i’m still confused as to why people didn’t realize wybie was black, so i’m asking people what they perceived him to be (usually those claiming they “don’t see race” attribute whiteness to the person in question)…

  9. Danny says:

    Yeah, but it grows hair on your keyboard.
    And makes your screen go dim so you can’t see it as well.

    Pelle Billing
    A relatively new human relations blog I came across about 2 weeks ago.

  10. Dianne says:

    That must have been hell to clean up.

  11. Renee says:

    Cotton Picking Day: Proof that Black History months mocks African Americans..A school organizes a celebration where kids pay for the honour to dress up as slaves.

    Polytechnique: The first movie made about the Montreal massacre has been made and it is told from the male survivor perspective.

    Looking at Fem2pt0 and the feminist web: The list of top 30 blogs was released and only one WOC blog made the list..what does this say about racism in the blogosphere?

  12. Radfem says:

    I’ve been doing blog postings on the U.S. Border Patrol raids which began suddenly in my area including my city. It turns out there was a reason why they did them.

    The latest posting is on allegations that the local Border Patrol office operated on a quota system which if the case, violates federal rules.

  13. PG says:

    The inevitable result of privatizing juvenile justice: juvenile judges are bribed to send kids to the for-profit wilderness camps that get paid by the state based on the number of kids there.

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