Moving Day!

Heads up fans and friends! The Angry Black Blog is moving!  Not a big move — it’s still going to be at, but the blog will no longer be hosted at I’m putting it on my own server, instead.  I’m going to do the physical move Friday, the DNS will probably be propagating Saturday and Sunday. Monday everything should be back to normal.

Sometime this weekend you may notice changes – the theme/template will likely change a lot, you may see a few ads appear, suddenly there will be little pictures at the tops of posts. But it will still be us doing what we do.

If you could please take a moment to check and see if you have any links on your sidebars or heavily trafficked posts to URLs beginning with If so, please take out .wordpress since now those links will not automatically redirect to

Also, I would hold off commenting after Friday evening, just in case you’re not seeing the correct version of the blog.

That is all.  Monday begins a spate of much more regular blogging!

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2 Responses to Moving Day!

  1. PG says:

    Many blogging platforms, including movable type and blogger, allow for you to search a term throughout all posts, and MT has a “search and replace” function that will automatically change out to

  2. Holly says:

    Love the new site. It has to be a great feeling to get out of WordPress’ default blog service. While it’s great that they offer free blogs to anyone who wants one, they are severely limiting in what WordPress can actually do. Happy moving!

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