From Time Magazine’s “10 Questions For Gloria Steinem”:
STEINEM: It is a women’s issue. The idea that sexuality is only O.K. if it ends in reproduction oppresses women — whose health depends on separating sexuality from reproduction — as well as gay men and lesbians.
Link via Ms Musings..
Would that my paper had a decent web site, I could link y’all to the cover story, an excellently written piece by Meg Daly on the coordinated political organizing between reproductive rights activism and queer rights activism. Alas, my publisher doesn’t value the internet for strange luddite reasons, so only Portland-area readers will enjoy it. However, Meg’s main point is that the politics of reproductive rights and queer rights are united by the fight for freedom over one’s own body. As Oregon State Senator Kate Brown puts it so nicely in the article: “I don’t want the government in my womb, and I don’t want the government in my bedroom.”
Again, to quote the great John Muir “Everything is hitched to everything else.”
The persONAL IS POLITiCAL ROOTS BACK INTO THE 60’S WOMENS MOVEMENT AND 70’S Liberation. It means that everyday aspect of our life are politcally signifigant. The experiences, feelings of personal lives were not just a metter of persnal preferences but were limted, molded, and defined by the broader political and social setting which was the post industrial decline and womens liberation movement.