Sydney in the mud, Maddox up a tree

Can’t call it baby blogging anymore. This is kid blogging. (I used to do this regularly, but that was long ago, especially in blog years.)

I love these photos, which I found on the camera’s memory card. My guess is that Bean was the photographer, although it might have been Charles.

Sydney is actually as accomplished and eager a tree climber as Maddox, but I think the pics of Maddox came out a little bit better.

More photos under the fold.

A bit out of focus, but still worth posting because that grin is so purely Sydney.

Maddox has a beautiful smile, too, but she isn’t as free with it as Sydney is. Maddox is more reserved; she’s observing, withholding judgment, considering. I’m a big fan of hers.

Click through to see big versions of the pics.

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10 Responses to Sydney in the mud, Maddox up a tree

  1. RonF says:

    Watch out – you’ll get busted for child neglect because you’re letting your kid climb a tree without wearing a helmet and a safety harness.

    I love the tree pictures. My brothers and I used to play tree tag in a big maple tree on the property line next to the street when I was a kid. We had a little vegetable stand underneath it to sell produce to the passing cars that we had raised in our garden (we’re talking a 1/4 acre here).

  2. Medea says:

    I can’t believe that’s Maddox! I think the last time I saw her, she was strangling a pug puppy. That is–fondling a pug puppy.

  3. Elkins says:

    Heh. Just before Chaz left, he commented that he thought that tree (which was just pruned this past winter) could have had a lot more of those lower limbs thinned out. Now that I see these pictures, I’m really glad that we didn’t go that route with that tree!

  4. chingona says:

    Love it.

  5. Dianne says:

    That’s Maddox? She’s huge! And, of course, beautiful.

  6. Myca says:

    I love Sydney’s “I AM IN MUD” smile. That is pure concentrated mischief.


  7. bean says:

    Yup, those particular pics were taken by me. While Sydney was jumping around in the mud barefoot, she kept saying, “ewww, this is like, so totally gross!!” That’s when I started encouraging her to also say “grody to the max” and “gag me with a spoon.” Which she says, but has no idea what they mean.

  8. Myca says:

    That’s when I started encouraging her to also say “grody to the max” and “gag me with a spoon.”

    Ha! I actually literally LOL’d.

    I also love the combination of, “Ew this is gross!” With, “And now I’m gonna do it some more!”


  9. sanabituranima says:

    :D 95% of my RDA of cute.

  10. Antigone says:

    Gosh, they’re big! I remember the baby pictures of the two of them, and thought they’d be stuck that age forever.

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