Kid blogging: Sydney drawing

Sydney just told me, “People think sharks are cool but they’re not. There’s only one person who doesn’t like sharks, and that’s me.”

Sydney draws exceptionally well for a five year old. You might think that I’m only saying that because I’m her honorary uncle. But her mother thinks her drawings are exceptional, too, so there.

(Another photo after the fold)

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7 Responses to Kid blogging: Sydney drawing

  1. Dianne says:

    Sydney draws exceptionally well for a five year old

    It must be her honorary uncle’s influence. But you didn’t show us any of her drawings, except as background.

  2. Paul Winkler says:

    For shame! I read the post title and expected a picture drawn BY Sydney! Where is it???

    I must say though, she’s awfully cute. And she looks an awful lot like Matt.

  3. Eva says:

    I like that you’re proud of Sydney without showing off her skills (with a pic) like a product to be marketed. If she wants marketing she’ll let you know when she’s ready!

  4. Ampersand says:

    To tell you the truth, I just didn’t think of it… I’ll ask Sydney what she’d think about me posting one or two of her pictures online.

  5. kristinc says:

    You’re not the only one, Sydney. You and me both.

  6. Robin says:

    All due respect to Syney, but she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Sharks are demonstrably, unambiguously cool.

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