Kid Blogging: see saw with Maddox, movie star aspirations with Sydney

I’m guessing these photos are by Charles.

Unrelated dialog with Sydney:

SYDNEY: I want to be a movie star.
BARRY: Really? Why do you want to do that?
SYDNEY: Because movie stars have fancy dogs with ribbons.
BARRY: Oh. I guess that’s true.
SYDNEY: Some of the dogs wear glasses!
BARRY: They do?
SYDNEY: Fancy movie star glasses!

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4 Responses to Kid Blogging: see saw with Maddox, movie star aspirations with Sydney

  1. Robert says:

    Send me $1, or I will inform her that she could have a fancy dog with ribbons and movie star glasses now, if only her family loved her.

  2. Manju says:

    does this mean she’s quitting her spy gig?

  3. bean says:

    Here’s another random conversation with Sydney:

    Sydney: Hi Bean! Do you like my hair? [points to blue streak in hair]
    Bean: That’s awesome!
    Sydney: Yeah, I did it because I want to be a goth girl.
    Bean: …

  4. PG says:

    Based on these reported conversations, Sydney seems really interested in goth, but she seems to have it conceptualized mainly as “different from what most people expect for kids.”

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