Here’s a bit of good news: A committee in the California Legislature today endorsed a bill which would create gay marriage in California. I’m not sure if it has a chance of getting through the full California legislature or not; this goes against a voter initiative in California which defined marriage as opposite-sex only, so it could be a hard bill for politicians to support.
Remember when the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that lesbians and gays have an equal protection right to marriage? All we heard for months was “this has to be decided in the legislature!” But when a legislature votes for marriage equality, what do equality opponents say?
I know, I’m being unfair. But it just amuses me. While there are individual exceptions, I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that most SSM opponents are prepared to respect a legislative vote in favor of gay marriage..
You’re missing the point, which is that this issue should only be decided in the medium that is least likely to approve it. Whether that be the legislature, the courts, or a steel-cage match between the Rock and the reanimated corpse of Liberace is up to debate.
Opponents: No venue.
Supporters: Any venue.
Politics! Of course, it’s always like this. It’s also amusing.
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