Rachel Maddow Corrects Pat Buchanan on Race

‘Nuff said.

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9 Responses to Rachel Maddow Corrects Pat Buchanan on Race

  1. Linda Bowker says:

    In my experience with anti-whatever people is that they either purposely lie or misprepresent facts. Pat Buchanan has been on TV for decades doing this. Why do so many shows feature this man who presents fiction as non-fiction. Those who are professional naysayers must use lies because they would lose their arguments using the truth. So they use fear, threats, half-truths and lies. We, as the audience, should DEMAND better. Three lies and you are off the air forever!

  2. Mandolin says:

    That’s it. Pat Buchannan — get in the sack.

  3. nojojojo says:

    OMG I love Rachel Maddow so much. I don’t agree with her on everything, but for this? I would have her babies. If she. Y’know. Couldn’t have them herself. Or with her partner. But the sentiment is true!!

  4. Biscuit says:

    I’m having a mental schwing for Rachel Maddow right now.

  5. Mandolin says:

    Everyone is being too hard on Pat Buchanan. We don’t know that he’s racist and it’s silly to say that he is. Maybe he just didn’t know that the capital building was built by black people, that’s not a common thing to know, and why should anyone have told him. And when he says it was 100% of the people who signed the declaration of independence were white men he was right. The Italian Catholic thing isn’t about race, everyone knows that Catholics aren’t a race. Rachel Maddow is just being mean. Why should we assume that Pat Buchanan is lying, or that his facts are skewed because he only pays attention to white people and so he didnt notice stuff about black people, when we can’t see into his head. Never attribute to malice what could be explained by ignorance. And anyway, she didn’t say how many black people were killed at Gettysburg or Normandy, so maybe it was 100%, I didn’t see any proof otherwise.

  6. Mandolin says:

    More seriously, my ancestor (for whom I was given my middle name) was the only civilian casualty of Gettysburg. She was white, but Jennie Wade was not male.

  7. I <3 Rachel Maddow. I call Dibs on having Rachel Maddow’s babies after nojojojo.

    As for all those killed Blacks on the beaches of Normandy, clearly they don’t count since most Blacks in the Army at that time were just cooks. Just like Mandolin’s ancestor Jennie Wade. And we know that armies don’t ACTUALLY march on their stomachs — Bonaparte was just speaking metaphorically. And the all Black regiment that attacked Fort Wagner, SC:

    July 18: — After the July 11 assault on Fort Wagner failed, Gillmore reinforced his beachhead on Morris Island. At dusk July 18, Gillmore launched an attack spearheaded by the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, a black regiment. The unit’s colonel, Robert Gould Shaw, was killed. Members of the brigade scaled the parapet but after brutal hand-to-hand combat were driven out with heavy casualties. The Federals resorted to siege operations to reduce the fort. This was the fourth time in the war that black troops played a crucial combat role, proving to skeptics that they would fight bravely if only given the chance.

    And they don’t count because they lost that battle. They also don’t count because Buchanan never saw the movie “Glory”. Quick — someone send him the DVD or this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2c_BvVBd-Q

  8. Yep, Rachel rocks. Wciked smart, great debater, and really exposed Buchanan for what he is. I think they’ve moved him to Dick Cheney’s undisclosed location for awhile. Could get crowded as DIck has suddenly shut up and disappeared. Funny how the possibility of federal charges will turn Chatty Cheney to a deaf mute…

    Great post. Will be back!

  9. Malcolm says:

    Rachel’s summary of Pat’s factual errors was nicely done and one of the reasons that I feel she is one of the best pundits on TV. I saw the original segment when Rachel and Pat went toe-to-toe and I sensed that Rachel was really dismayed over his outmoded thinking. I am so glad that she set the record straight. Had Pat made those comments on the Fox News Channel, they likely would have went by as if they were true.

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