More Gatesgate links (including Obama's commentary on the arrest)

It’s not even midnight and everyone at my sister’s house (where I’m visiting this week) is asleep. Guess I’ll post some links.

Professor Gates’ version of the story. This is a must-read if you’re interested in this story.

I guess I ought to link to the police report, too. (Pdf link.)

Charles Ogletree, Professor Gate’s lawyer, gives his version of events.

“…black men, no matter who they are or what their status, aren’t allowed to challenge white police officers, which I suppose is similar to saying black people aren’t allowed to have titles, authority, or clout.”

John McWhorter, a writer whose politics are somewhat to the right of “Alas,” has an interesting take.

I haven’t found a transcript of Obama’s comments on Gatesgate, but you can get the gist from this news story, or watch the video:

Shark-fu at AngryBlackBitch weighs in, discussing her own experiences in Cambridge.

Roy Edroso surveys right-wing blogospheric reactions. Unsurprisingly, most of them are on government’s side.

On white people saying “I wouldn’t have acted like that, if it had been me.”

“This is what happens to black men in America” Kate Harding’s take; too long to sum up, well worth reading.

Police Discretion and Arrest Power

Racism Review: “The irony, for those that have followed Gates’ scholarship closely, is that he has tended to downplay the significance of institutional racism in the contemporary U.S.”

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I’m sure there are about a zillion more… feel free to leave more links in comments. Or, you know, just comment there.

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