Bill O'Reilly Is Awesome At Math

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4 Responses to Bill O'Reilly Is Awesome At Math

  1. Kevin Moore says:

    And ten times as many assholes. U-S-A! U-S-A!

  2. Robert says:

    Well, being that life expectancy is an average over an entire population, it makes everything that Bill O’Reilly said irrelevant. I think this fits in with most of the things Bill O’Reilly says.

  3. Zachary says:

    I would like to point out, that in theory:

    Higher population #’s = More tax money collected that can be contributed towards healthcare

    Besides which, Canadian Healthcare has been ‘in crisis’ for… well beyond my limited lifetime, so while some representations of it portray it as some paragon of virtue compared to the United States, that image could use some tempering.

  4. PG says:


    The question is just whether Canadians have a higher average life expectancy than Americans. It may well be that Canadians spend a lot more time in pain than Americans do, because of waiting lists for quality-of-life-but-not-life-saving procedures like hip replacements, but that they are on average living longer is indisputable and not based on the size of the population. I don’t understand what “Higher population #’s = More tax money collected that can be contributed towards healthcare” has to do with that, especially since it also is indisputable that Americans spend more non tax money per capita on health care than people in any other nation.

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