Last Word on WorldCon


So, Ms. Lamplighter apologized here and on her LJ. And yes, there are things I could respond to in both places, but as you can see on the first link I’ve already made my decision on how to handle it. Why that road and not another? I have work to do. And I’m learning to prioritize. Things that could benefit me and the people I care about over things that will not is the order of the day.

In that vein it has been suggested to me that if I can get a working outline together and a synopsis I can shop Frenzy around a bit and see if anyone bites. Verb Noire needs to get the naming contest going for the first anthology as well as start dealing with the submissions for the second. And get cracking on cover art for the novel (Martin’s War) that’s being edited right now. Plus there’s a kid’s book I wrote that is illustrating to finish so that we can shop it around. That’s in between blogging for ABW and dealing with the mundane bits of life like getting #1 ready for 5th grade and deciding if #2 should stay where he is (home daycare) or head to bigger pastures this fall.

I’ve been told (rather forcefully and by people who love me) that I need to figure out where this train that is my life is going so that I can drive it instead of letting it drag me along. Basically I am too busy to get bogged down in this mess right now. Mind you, I am not saying that you have to follow my lead when it comes to your response. I have already seen many people who are willing to wade in and keep fighting the good fight. I am in no way trying to devalue that effort, I am merely stating the reasons behind my approach.

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Last Word on WorldCon

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