Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Call For Papers

I am organizing a panel on the translation of non-Western literatures for the Northeast Modern Language Association’s annual conference, which will be held in Montreal, April 7-11. Here is the call for papers. Please send proposals to me at richard.newman at ncc dot edu.

Non-Western Literatures in Translation

The act of literary translation raises by definition the question of how the target culture frames the language and culture of the text to be translated. This issue, often unexamined, can determine not only which texts from which languages are chosen for translation, but also what the relationship between the translation and the original text is understood to be. Nineteenth century British and American translators of classical Iranian poetry, for example, often portrayed themselves quite explicitly as improving on what they understood to be the “oriental” defects of the poets they were working with. This stance finds its roots in British colonial rule of India, where Persian was the language of the Moghul courts, and the idea that, if only the British could understand Persian and the psychology it embodied, they could make themselves more effective colonial rulers. The history of the translation into English of other non-Western literatures–including those we now consider Western, like classical Greek–is fraught with similar kinds of bias, as are contemporary assumptions about the value non-Western literatures hold for us. Keeping in mind the fact that less than 3% of all the books published in the United States in any given year are literary translations, and the fact that publishing at all levels is a business that both creates and responds to its market, this panel seeks to examine the issues confronting the translation of non-Western literatures, from classical to contemporary, into English. While we would like the emphasis to be on languages that are not already commonly translated (Japanese and Chinese, among others), we welcome proposals concerning any non-Western language. We encourage a variety of perspectives–from authors of texts that have been translated (or texts in search of a translation), translators, scholars, publishers–and would prefer to have papers addressing a range of time periods. Topics might include the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating non-Western languages, what we learn from the history of the translation of a given work or body of work, translation success stories, the challenges of publishing literary translations of non-Western languages, or why a given work or body of work deserves more attention–scholarly and otherwise–than it has been given. We also look forward to being surprised by ideas that have not occurred to us.

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3 Responses to Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Call For Papers

  1. nobody.really says:

    From the sublime to the ridiculous — Let me kick off these comments with an example of the challenges of translating Japanese into English that I encounter in Manga: honorific titles. Apparently a great deal of information about interpersonal relationships is conveyed by the choice (and especially by the absence) of titles that people attach to the name of other characters. But in translation, this creates a “dog that didn’t bark” problem: because I don’t know what titles are customary, I can’t appreciate the extent to which someone’s translated remarks are different than the customary ones.

    I am not aware that this problem manifests some particular political agenda on the part of the translators. To me, this illustrates the idea that all communication is approximate, and inter-cultural communication is more approximate than others.

  2. Doug S. says:

    There’s a whole lot of translations of things that aren’t books being done. Anime and Japanese video games, for example. I don’t know if you’d be able to get someone involved in producing English versions of anime to come to your panel, but I attended a very nice panel about translation at Otakon last month. Your organization seems much more academic than commercial or pop culture-oriented, though…

  3. Doug:

    You’re right that NeMLA is primarily an academic/scholarly organization, but papers on pop culture are quite welcome.

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