Senator Edward Kennedy was a tough guy. He was smart, tenacious, opinionated, strong in body, mind, and spirit. And I think because he was such a tough guy, he won’t mind if I don’t share my real and uncensored thoughts on the occasion of his passing.
Teddy, as he was known, was privileged, in every sense of the word. And he made liberal use of his privilege, in ways I admired and ways I did not. The terrible bargain we all seem to have made with Teddy is that we overlooked the occasions when he invoked his privilege as a powerful and well-connected man from a prominent family, because of the career he made using that same privilege to try to make the world a better place for the people dealt a different lot.
Twice, Teddy did despicable things with his privilege, very publicly.
Also: co-signed.
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Amp posted this very thing on the 28th. He even used the very same excerpt.
RonF, stuff from ABW is automatically crossposted over here, so even if she saw the post here, as soon as she posted it at her place it would have popped up here too.
Hm. So if ABW wants to blog on the same issue that either Amp or any of his co-bloggers wants to, we’re going to see dual postings? That would seem to be a bug in the process.
Does that really put you out? There are posts I skip just because I’m not that interested in the topic. It’s not that hard to see that it’s the same quote, skim to see whether the commentary is pretty much the same or goes in a different direction, and either read further and/or comment and/or just move on.
Hitler was known for repeating things.
Ted Kennedy, for better or worse, he spent half a decade as a servant to the people who elected him. Here is a great list of his most prominent quotes.
Ted Kennedy Quotes