Gatefail! I knew this was coming


I don’t know how I missed this, but HardcoreNerdity has a wonderful (and long) post summing up Gatefail 2009. For those unaware, there have been some shady and problematic things afoot in the not-yet-aired new Stargate show Stargate: Universe. This particular fail combines several issues: disability, sexual orientation, rape. Ugh.

I can’t say I’m surprised. Ever since I started to notice the creepy racism in the Stargate shows and stopped watching, every new revelation or incident just confirms that I was right to walk away when I did. I don’t trust the producers of that show one iota. They’ve repeatedly shown themselves to be some of the biggest insensitive wankers in SF television.

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Gatefail! I knew this was coming

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One Response to Gatefail! I knew this was coming

  1. RonF says:


    Although I don’t remember which of the ABW posters it has been, I remember that one of you has posted a few different articles on perceptions of beauty and how equating “white” with “beautiful” affects black girls. So I thought that this might be of interest to you.

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