Open Thread, Dec 25th Edition

I’m sure I’ve run this video before. I’m sure we’ve all seen it. I don’t care — I love it.

I’m at the studio right now, where I’ve just finished inking page 44 of Hereville. Later on I’ll go out to eat at whatever’s open and then see “Up In The Air” with some friends.

So, you know, post whatever you’d like. Let us know what you’re doing today, or just post links you like. As always, self-link-love is approved of by Joyce Elders.

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6 Responses to Open Thread, Dec 25th Edition

  1. Potter Puppet Pals = greatest thing this side of Wizard People, Dear Reader.

  2. Oh that made me laugh!

  3. Radfem says:

    I will be blogging on the state of my city’s police department in the light of news of at least one additional arrest of a police officer around Christmas. And I was researching to try to get his name and found possibly yet another officer arrest last spring and if this is indeed the officer, he was legally represented by an attorney who works for the law firm owned by one of the police commissioners.

    I had heard rumors of a pending arrest before the holidays and I’m hoping that that officer and the one arrested a couple days later are the same one. I really hope so. Because it’s as many as five or six since 2007 and four or five since October 2008 in an agency with 400 sworn and 220 in patrol.

  4. Radfem says:

    I’m blogging on the series of arrests including a recent tip.

  5. Radfem says:

    *Sigh* Confirmed both arrests and the local press did write an article on the officer arrested Christmas Eve. He was allegedly involved in a physical assault against a man at his estranged wife’s house after running his plate for information on him.

    The one last spring is a DUI crash off-duty. A shooting he did was under investigation and review by the police commission at the time of the DUI incident. The lawyer he hired to defend him works for the law firm owned by one of the police commissioners reviewing the case. I’m trying to figure out how to blog about that can of worms.

    Never a dull moment. But the comments on the article thread tick me off. Women are not property to be owned. It looks like this guy was trying to control her and who visited her as well.

  6. Radfem says:

    More sighs.

    An arrest, a DUI and a $175,000 racial profiling settlement just paid out.

    The guy in the lawsuit was a Black LAPD sergeant held at gunpoint on the ground for “trespassing” on his own property. My blog broke that story and within 24 hours, the police chief told me there was “another side” of the story. I guess this payout which was done on condition of denial of plausibility and a two year gag for the plaintiff is that “other side”?

    I guess this means I won’t be invited to any departmental “community” strategic plan meetings. Oh well.

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