Open thread (Goaty goat goat edition)

Wish I had time to post some links or something — but maybe you could do it for me. Post whatever you like in the comments. Self-link love is most welcome.

Oh, and check out the gallery of goat photos at Damn Cool Pics. The one I’ve put in below isn’t even the best (or most unbelievable looking) one.

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17 Responses to Open thread (Goaty goat goat edition)

  1. Matt Bors says:

    Fearless Goat Action.

  2. K says:

    Earlier this week I posted a brief news update re: female sexual dysfunction – FSD news from the NVA and the DSM – what those other 2 acronyms are stand for the National Vulvodynia Association and the Diagnostic & Statistic Manual of mental health. See, the NVA put out a new newsletter & there’s a draft of the DSM-V available now.

  3. This is probably the first time I’ve seen a mainstream daily comic make a reference to an alt-weekly comic.

  4. chingona says:

    Last night we gave our four-year-old a haircut. He had pretty long hair for a boy that age – a little below chin-length in the front and a little longer than that in the back. He used to be fine with his hair, but we moved, and at his new school, a lot of the kids were teasing him, telling him he was a girl, etc. I felt really sad to cut his hair, but he was quite certain he wanted the haircut. And I’m not about to insist he keep it long just because I like it, anymore than I would insist he keep it short if he wanted it long.

    Already this morning he’s saying that he misses his hair.

    Stupid gender norms.

  5. Radfem says:

    I’m still blogging on the police chief who it’s now come out got his drinks at a strip club before crashing his city-owned car. It’s getting very interesting what’s being revealed but corruption bites.

    I’m still working on a couple. I’m tired and I think my vertigo’s returning.

    My name came up in roll calls. The nerve!

  6. Jake Squid says:

    Mike Taibbi is always a fun read. This one’s on Obama’s first year. And people wonder why I advocate for 100% publicly funded elections. Although I do wonder why Taibbi thought that, other than his tremendous oratorical and campaigning skills, Obama was a different politician than the norm. They’re all beholden to the people who finance their campaigns. Every single one.

    On the other hand, is there a better guy in government than Bernie Sanders? I wish there were a lot more of him in the Senate.

  7. Radfem says:

    Finally got something done.

    What if you wrote a police report and no one signed it?

  8. RonF says:

    From the Tabibi article:

    How could Obama let this happen? Is he just a rookie in the political big leagues, hoodwinked by Beltway old-timers? Or is the vacillating, ineffectual servant of banking interests we’ve been seeing on TV this fall who Obama really is?

    I vote for “rookie”. I said all along that 6 years in the Illinois General Assembly and 2 years as Senator before starting a Presidential run hardly qualified someone for the job, and I think events have proven me right.

  9. Jake Squid says:

    … have you had a look at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue this year?

    You know why SI has a swimsuit issue? Because they’re a crappy sports magazine. Nekkid women gets them a whole lot of yearly subscriptions.

  10. Jake Squid says:

    I don’t think his relative inexperience has anything to do with it. The guy is a centrist and knows where he gets his campaign funds and where his income post-presidency will be coming from. Can you name the last federally elected official who really went after the banks for their misdeeds? It’s now been 30 years of steady deregulation, why would anybody think Obama was going to be the one to turn that tide?

  11. RonF says:

    Amp, you need another open thread.

    You all may remember that Keith Olbermann (and others) castigated the Tea Party Movement for the apparent lack of blacks, Hispanics, etc. at their functions. Well, here’s some Dallas Tea Party movement folks not only answering him, but taking a close look at who’s asking the question.

  12. RonF says:

    As it happens my daughter buys me a subscription to Sports Illustrated every year. I’d say about 1 out of 4 years the swimsuit issue doesn’t make it to my door. I suspect it’s the mailman.

  13. RonF says:

    Jake Squid:

    The guy is a centrist

    Say what? President Obama is a centrist? IIRC he was tied for the most left-wing voting record in the Senate his first two years there. I’ve heard him called a lot of things but “centrist” is not one of them. Maybe relative to out-and-out socialism or European politics (but I suppose that’s redundant) he’s a centrist but on the American political spectrum he’s definitely left-of-center.

  14. RonF says:

    Radfem – what’s the police chief doing with a city-owned car? What, the man can’t drive his own car to work like the rest of us?

  15. Jake Squid says:

    Yeah, Obama is the epitome of a centrist. Both the left and the right dislike him. The left just puts up with him because he’s better than the alternative.

  16. nobody.really says:

    Whoops! While Damn Cool Pics does including many damn cool photos of goats, and even includes the picture Amp lists above, I’m not sure the picture Amp lists above is a damn cool photo of goats.

    Rather, I suspect it’s an oil painting by Canadian wildlife artist Robert Bateman.

  17. chingona says:

    @ RonF … Most police have take-home vehicles, even those with office jobs. It’s pretty routine. Whether it’s justifiable or not, I don’t know, but it’s quite common.

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