There's a "Hitting Girls Is Cool" Page on Facebook

Check it out.

Here is John Krautzner’s–he’s the creator and self-styled “Alpha Male” on the page–post called “Reasons to Hit Girls:”

There are many reasons to hit girls. First of all, it keeps those bitches in line. If a girl is mouthing off to you, slug her in the face. This accomplishes three main goals. First of all, she shut the fuck up. Secondly, she will have more respect for you and your fists of justice. But most importantly, she will learn a valuable lesson that will keep her in line for years to come.

Another reason to hit girls is that it is Natural. That’s right, it is NATURAL to hit girls. God, in his infinite knowledge wrote into our DNA the instinct to hit women. If you deny this instinct, then you are not a man. If women didn’t get hit by men, they wouldn’t know what to do. They would panic and a lot of people would die.

More Reasons to Hit Girls:

it’s fun and healthy

it’s inexpensive

Chuck Norris does it

it reduces your chance of contracting HIV by 17%

I want you to

it reduces stress

they like it

The page has been up since 2006, and it’s possible that Krautzner has all but forgotten about it, but that is no excuse. Apparently, there used to be a page called “Hitting Women” that was taken down fairly recently. I have logged a protest with Facebook. If you’re on Facebook, you ought to do the same.

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21 Responses to There's a "Hitting Girls Is Cool" Page on Facebook

  1. rox says:

    Aw, thank goodness the person changed it to “hitting girls is wrong”

    While it was still in poor taste, I am relieved the person didn’t actually believe hitting girls is cool, and in an immature fashion (and unsuccessful and offensive fashion) meant to imply how horrible it is.

    Thanks for calling him on it!! While the page was meant as a joke, pages like that can still normalize the idea of “hitting women” as an ok silly thing to joke about.

  2. Silenced is Foo says:

    Who the hell is John Krautzner?

    I always am quick to defend crass absurdity on the internet as a joke… but if you’re going to stoop to that kind of humour, it should at least be funny.

  3. Fat Hen says:

    Has the NHS performed a humor amputation on you? :)

    Clearly the silly article was tongue in cheek, not the best joke ever, but rather obvious.

    As for Alpha Male, well, all those kind of guys are in need of getting hitched to a staunch feminist, this way the rest of us will get some peace and quiet whilst they ‘entertain’ each other… :)

    Maybe we should consider bringing back shotgun marriages *snicker*

  4. DanielF says:

    Thanks, Richard, for highlighting that. Even with tongue planted firmly in cheek (which was… perhaps 50% clear? At most?) groups like that are in poor taste (when domestic violence is taken seriously by all the population, when it’s far less frequent, and when it is not normalised by anyone, I’ll reassess the “poor taste” thing. Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in) and normalise the problem they seek to make fun of – discrediting it, in some ways, as a serious problem (“Oh, it’s only a joke!” ok, but it’s not a joke to people who’re in those situations. A little thought and empathy, please).

    So, it looks like this was pretty clearly a joke. That doesn’t mean that it’s not in poor taste, offensive, and far too likely to be taken seriously in this “wonderful” world we live in.

    I do wonder, though, what it says about me that I felt unable to go and look at the members just in case anyone I knew had joined. Cowardice about potentially having to ball them out for it, perhaps?

  5. Mandolin says:

    “As for Alpha Male, well, all those kind of guys are in need of getting hitched to a staunch feminist, this way the rest of us will get some peace and quiet whilst they ‘entertain’ each other’

    Serious warning, Hen. We’re not interested in hosting feminist bashing, and your ‘entertaining’ here reads like a euphamism for domestic violence (presumably reciprocal! how humorous!), which isn’t A) clever, B) in good taste, or C) appropriate in this venue.

    Continue with this behavior and we’ll have to ask you to leave.

  6. Elusis says:

    As I said about the “Obamas as terrorists” magazine cover, if your “humor” is indistinguishable from something extremists on the other side would actually say, it’s not very successful as humor.

  7. Give credit where credit is due. Krautzner changed the name of the group to Hitting Girls is Wrong and offers this apology:

    This group was originally named “Hitting Girls Is Cool.” It was created in 2006. Although meant as a joke, the group still offended people.

    It was very immature to create the group in the first place and I apologize for hurting or offending anyone. This was definitely not my intention.

  8. Mandolin says:

    national health system, i think

  9. DanielF says:

    Richard and Mandolin, it’s the National Health Service. Our happy socialised medical system (no, seriously; it’s probably the most fully socialised in Europe… to put it another way: We’ve got basically the same model of health service as Cuba) that exists in the United Kingdom and that makes people like me (i.e., middle class students with pre-existing conditions) able to afford to go to the doctor and get their meds when they needs them.

  10. Mandolin says:

    yes, we do wish we had NHS.

  11. mythago says:

    The old bigot two-step; “kidding on the square” followed by claim that it was all a big joke and only people with no sense of humor missed the satire. I’m guessing the reason whatshisface apologized is that Facebook had a chat with him about his account status.

  12. clicktrigger says:

    Alas, Commentariat!
    The rolling good times continue unabated on Facebook: Killing Your Hooker So You Don’t Have to Pay Her fan page. “The page boasts such updates as, ‘Ever stab your hooker with a blunt object to add insult to injury?’”

    Ha ha that’s not satire.
    I don’t have FB, so… help.
    . . .
    I’m so freakin’ tired of this deliberately-offensive-hipster schtick.
    “Kidding on the square,” huh? Nice.
    Give it a name!

  13. Silenced is Foo says:

    For some reason the only person for whom this kind of humour works for me is Jeph Jacques. I think because he keeps the constant flood of profane exclamations of sexual violence of the Yelling Bird distinct (but included) from/in his far more intelligent writing and characters. Random exclamations like “OH GOD I FUCKED AN ANDEAN CONDOR TO DEATH MY PROBATION OFFICER IS GONNA BE *PISSED* ” aren’t funny on their own, but when interspiced into the normal flow of actually funny content, they add a good absurdist giggle.

  14. Robert says:

    BTW, the group has been renamed to “Hitting Girls Is Wrong” and has an apology up. Apparently the social pressure worked.

  15. Danielle says:

    Wow… this satire is not even funny.

    Very offensive.

  16. Robert says:

    yes, we do wish we had NHS

    Yes, that would be a dream come true.

  17. Akiyama says:

    Facebook group?! Will wonders ever cease? Glad the page was removed/renamed…It’s really sad that people have to resort to bashing women just to get a good laugh. Even sadder when people don’t think it’s a big deal and start making excuses for the guy.

  18. DanielF says:

    Oh, Facebook, you do so damage my faith in humanity… in terms of devaluing women, I reckon that this one’s pretty damn foul:

  19. BluntHammer says:

    Man.. this is, again, one of those tricky situations.

    First, I think deciding who you can or can’t hit based on sex is … sexist. Saying you can hit Guy A cause he has a cock but Girl B you can’t because she doesn’t can not be anything BUT sexist. And deciding it is OK to hit Girl B because she doesn’t have said penis and her place is defined by that is just as WRONG.

    But I digress.

    Funny or not, which this is NOT, we in America do have the right to say any stupid, idiotic, brain dead, loserish bullshit we want. I am, honestly, not sure how I feel about being able to force someone to change something just because we don’t like it. The idea of “You have freedom of speech.. so long as it agrees with me” doesn’t sit right in my head. I am glad the page got changed and another removed… from a personal stand point. (After all, it is frigging insulting and in VERY poor taste.) But part of my mind just has to ask “What happens when someone finds a way to take down one of these blogs because they find IT distasteful/poor taste/offending?”

  20. @BluntHammer – Yeah, man, we should get rid of those societal rules about adults hitting kids too. I mean those are, like, totally ageist. Next time some little kid nearly runs me over with their bike on the sidewalk I should totally be allowed to punch them!

    I really wish I could track down whoever came up with the asinine, devoid of context definition of “sexism” that so many people seem to be using these days. I’d like to have a conversation with him/her.

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