Last night:
Me, calling upstairs: “Stephanie, it’s time to get ready for bed!”
Stephanie (7): “I need a few more minutes!”
Me: “What are you doing!”
Stephanie: “I just have to get through ‘What’s This’!”
Me, to wife: “Huh? What’s she up to?”
Wife: “She is figure skating to her ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ soundtrack.”
She had on her carpet skates (smooth plastic slippers that let her slide on the carpet) and was practicing her Olympic figure skating routines. Apparently someone was inspired by the ice dancing. And of course, what better songs for figure skating than the soundtrack to one’s favorite movie?
CNN’s Rick Sanchez and some woman I can’t identify but who also apparently works for CNN literally can’t find Hawaii on a globe and think it’s off the coast of South America (the Galapagos, I believe).
But we’re supposed to trust these people when they tell us things? I mean, it’s a f**king STATE!
Mayor Daley II is going to freak at this. I’m basing that on comments he’s made on the topic before). My guess is that he’ll try an end-around on this by passing a law (technically an incorrect usage, but functionally correct) that will make it prohibitively difficult for someone to have a handgun in Chicago. Things on the order of charging $1000 for a handgun permit or something such, which will then go back to the Supreme Court.
I like the bit about “since doing so through another part of the 14th Amendment would raise too many questions about what other rights might emerge.” What part of “shall not be abridged” does the Court not understand?
She is hiring summer interns for her business. Is it OK for her to reject ones whose chosen volunteerism and prior experience indicates a political position to which she is strongly opposed? May she ethically do so irrespective of their other qualifications?
I.e., if she is a conservative pro-lifer, may she reject applicants who have chosen to intern with Planned Parenthood, and who are members of the Students for Choice group? If she is an averred fan of affirmative action in all its forms, must she hire a conservative student who heads an “affirmative action bake sale” to protest the practice?
My own gut says that this selection based on politics is acceptable: at the professional (graduate school) level, people “choose a side” with full knowledge that it will open some doors and close others. If students involve themselves in political issues or causes, they are indicating their willingness to be judged on those issues or causes. It’s no different from going to Harvard, expecting that you may benefit from the Harvard alumni network but be round-filed by a Yale grad.
Maybe redo this cartoon with Gavin Newsom as the "if I give in" politician.
Biden's fault? I'd think it would be trans people's fault. Though I suppose it could be both.
Comment by "TheHumanPickleRick" on Reddit: The Muppets are puppets, representing MAGA and Trump being puppeted by smarter people with ulterior…
Regulate them? You think Uncle Sam would agree to regulate something? He'd faint on the spot at the suggestion.
Sweeney is the perfect accompaniment to a tough-on-crime comic. I bet the Judge had invested money in the prison industry.
Last night:
Me, calling upstairs: “Stephanie, it’s time to get ready for bed!”
Stephanie (7): “I need a few more minutes!”
Me: “What are you doing!”
Stephanie: “I just have to get through ‘What’s This’!”
Me, to wife: “Huh? What’s she up to?”
Wife: “She is figure skating to her ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ soundtrack.”
She had on her carpet skates (smooth plastic slippers that let her slide on the carpet) and was practicing her Olympic figure skating routines. Apparently someone was inspired by the ice dancing. And of course, what better songs for figure skating than the soundtrack to one’s favorite movie?
In an update on the Roger Ebert story, here’s an article about his customized TTS:
Ebert’s custom computer voicy thing
CNN’s Rick Sanchez and some woman I can’t identify but who also apparently works for CNN literally can’t find Hawaii on a globe and think it’s off the coast of South America (the Galapagos, I believe).
But we’re supposed to trust these people when they tell us things? I mean, it’s a f**king STATE!
Mayor Daley II is going to freak at this. I’m basing that on comments he’s made on the topic before). My guess is that he’ll try an end-around on this by passing a law (technically an incorrect usage, but functionally correct) that will make it prohibitively difficult for someone to have a handgun in Chicago. Things on the order of charging $1000 for a handgun permit or something such, which will then go back to the Supreme Court.
I like the bit about “since doing so through another part of the 14th Amendment would raise too many questions about what other rights might emerge.” What part of “shall not be abridged” does the Court not understand?
Seeking opinions on ethics for a friend:
She is hiring summer interns for her business. Is it OK for her to reject ones whose chosen volunteerism and prior experience indicates a political position to which she is strongly opposed? May she ethically do so irrespective of their other qualifications?
I.e., if she is a conservative pro-lifer, may she reject applicants who have chosen to intern with Planned Parenthood, and who are members of the Students for Choice group? If she is an averred fan of affirmative action in all its forms, must she hire a conservative student who heads an “affirmative action bake sale” to protest the practice?
My own gut says that this selection based on politics is acceptable: at the professional (graduate school) level, people “choose a side” with full knowledge that it will open some doors and close others. If students involve themselves in political issues or causes, they are indicating their willingness to be judged on those issues or causes. It’s no different from going to Harvard, expecting that you may benefit from the Harvard alumni network but be round-filed by a Yale grad.
What do others think?
The awesome but, sadly, rarely posting Fafblog! weighs in on the importance of purple fingers.