Author Archives: Pseudo-Adrienne

Ayotte, Pharmacists, and Alito Friday Round-Up

A lot has been going on in the world of reproductive-rights politics this week– such as the SCOTUS hearings on the Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood case and some of Alito’s old documents coming to the surface. I’ve been swamped with … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Anti-Contraceptives/EC zaniness, Supreme Court Issues | Comments Off  

"Be grateful to FDA"–Wendy Wright

Wendy Wright the executive vice-president of the Concerned Women for America, praises the FDA for stalling on the Plan B decision. The FDA as you know has been dragging-its-feet on purpose and putting-off making a decision on making Plan B … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Contraceptives/EC zaniness, Anti-feminists and their pals | Comments Off  

Carnival of Feminists: Issue #3

The Third Installment of Carnival of Feminists is up now over at Sour Duck. A lot of good links and some excellent reading. Nice work, Sour Duck.

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The wait for Plan B and some "shocking" news

NARAL Pro-Choice America has launched a new campaign website called Women are Waiting, to draw up support for pushing the FDA into making a decision on Plan B. The site also displays a clock showing how long the FDA has … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Anti-Contraceptives/EC zaniness, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Supreme Court Issues | Comments Off  

Dysfunction or Dissatisfaction?

When it comes to discussing Female Sexual Dysfunction (or perhaps Dissatisfaction), all the medical jargon and scientific theories as to why women “don’t like sex and are therefore dysfunctional” come out. Some doctors and pharmacists think FSD can be easily … Continue reading

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FRONTLINE and Mississippi's last abortion clinic

Tonight on PBS at 9pm (check local listings), a program called FRONTLINE: The Last Abortion Clinic will investigate the situation in Mississippi where there is only one abortion clinic left, and why. The answer is obvious. Anti-choice groups and their … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights | Comments Off  

Samuel Alito

Or “Scalito,” “Scalia’s Mini-Me,” or even “Strip Search Sammy” as I’ve seen some lefty, pro-choice, and feminist bloggers describe Bush’s latest SCOTUS nominee. Needless to say, it didn’t take long for groups such as NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Supreme Court Issues | Comments Off  


The White House has withdrawn its SCOTUS nominee, Harriet Miers. Hm. Guess she won’t make it on the highest bench after all. UPDATE: NARAL Pro-Choice America’s response to the withdrawal.

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Supreme Court Issues | Comments Off  

How to eliminate extreme poverty according to the UNFPA

Via Planned Parenthood, the UNFPA has recently released its 2005 State of the World Population report. Which in my opinion states the obvious. That the elimination of extreme poverty cannot be achieved without ensuring gender equality and making reproductive healthcare … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Anti-feminists and their pals, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Feminism, sexism, etc, Gender and the Economy, International issues, UNFPA | Comments Off  

Good news, Bad news, more Miers zaniness

First up–some good news (if you’re a woman in Alaska), via Bush v. Choice, and the Alaska State Medical Board, who voted down a proposal that would have required a woman to have a doctor’s appointment before accessing emergency contraception. … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Anti-Contraceptives/EC zaniness, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Supreme Court Issues | Comments Off