Author Archives: lucia

Judge rules Louisiana amendment invalid

UK Gay reports: a Louisiana District Judge William Morvant ruled Louisiana’s anti-marriage equality amendment invalid because it violated the “single issue” criterion required by Louisiana’s constitution. Besides banning same-sex marriage, this amendment would have also prohibited the state from recognizing … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 14 Comments

AARP opposes same sex marriage ban

Gay rights advocates are getting some unexpected support. AARP has examined Ohio’s proposed anti-same sex marriage amendment; they concluded the restrictions will harm unmarried elderly people. Rainbow Network quotes AARP : “State Issue One would deny property ownership rights, inheritance, … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 3 Comments

Brazil and Same Sex Marriage

I ran across this story in Proud Parenting describing a Brazilian court case which imposed a legal restriction on a lesbian because her relationship with her partner was “tantamount to marriage”. We generally don’t think of court rulings imposing restrictions … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 5 Comments


William Baude at Crescat Sententia quotes Reverend Abernathy of “Guys and Dolls”, asking: “Mmm. Coffee is so good, I don’t know why it’s not a sin!” For Roman Catholics, the answer is clear. It’s not a sin because in 1763 … Continue reading

Posted in Whatever | 13 Comments

Miss Manners and Smiling

Recently, this corner of the blogosphere has been discussing women smiling (or not) at strangers. (You will find dicussions by: Amanda at “Mousewords”, Amp, here, at “Alas, a Blog”, Astarte at “Utopian Hell”, and Hugo at “Hugo Schwyzer”.) There have … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc | 125 Comments

FMA failed

Direct from an HRC email: In a sound defeat, 27 moderate and conservative Republicans joined 158 Democrats and 1 Independent Thursday in opposing the Marriage Protection Amendment (previously the “Federal Marriage Amendment”) on the House Floor. The amendment needed a … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 1 Comment

Marriage Scam Kingpin Caught

Bean blogged about the South African Marriage scam. All reports, the alleged King Pin has been caught.

Posted in Popular (and unpopular) culture | 2 Comments

The Simpsons and SSM

Prime time TV, cartoons, internet diplomas, and same sex marriage, all wrapped in one story. How can I pass it up? Rumors had been swirling around that a character on the Simpsons would turn out to be gay. The world … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 16 Comments

Applause for Spain

Spain’s socialist government is moving rapidly to expand both women’s and gay rights. Expatica reports that Spain’s government is drafting a bill that will grant gays the same legal rights as heterosexuals with regard to divorce, inheritance, and citizenship. Adoption … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 8 Comments

Don't accept cigarettes from strangers

Medline News reports: A 30-year-old woman has become Britain’s first victim of a rape that was preceded by having the victim smoke cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday. You already knew not to accept drinks; don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Rape, intimate violence, & related issues | 11 Comments