Category Archives: Same-Sex Marriage

Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Is A Lot Like Opposing Interracial Marriage

Conor Friedersdorf and I both oppose economically punishing people for opposition to same-sex marriage, or for having donated to the prop 8 campaign. But Conor’s argument is, partly, that SSM opponents are morally superior to those who favored anti-miscegenation laws, … Continue reading

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Same-Sex Marriage | 4 Comments

Boycott Firefox! says both sides of the Marriage Equality debate, and to hell with free speech

Well, certain members of both sides, at least. OKCupid is taking a surprisingly strong stance against Mozilla. Right now, those who visit the hipster/nerdy dating site using Firefox see this message (full text here): Hello there, Mozilla Firefox user. Pardon … Continue reading

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Same-Sex Marriage | 44 Comments

Federalism is Usually Opportunistic

Another example: House Republicans Want To Sue The President For Not Arresting People For Marijuana

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 15 Comments

Utah Has Legal Same-Sex Marriage (for now)

Well, that was unexpected. From Scotusblog: Directly applying the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act to a state’s ban on same-sex marriage, a federal judge in Salt Lake City ruled Friday that Utah’s voter-approved state constitutional … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage, Supreme Court Issues | 3 Comments

Contra Jon Rauch, ENDA and Marriage Equality Are Different Aspects Of The Same Fight

In “The End Of Gay Victimhood,” Jon Rauch divides gay rights laws into youthful, strong, responsible laws – i.e., marriage equality – and old, weak, victimhood laws – i..e, anti-discrimination law. Consider an odd juxtaposition. Same-sex marriage remains controversial, supported … Continue reading

Posted in Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Same-Sex Marriage, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 9 Comments

Orson Scott Card’s Website Lies About Card’s Homophobic Past

“Roger,” a comment-writer at a Conservative Christian blog, writes in defense of Orson Scott Card: ((That sentence sounds wrong to me, I think because of way “blog” and “Card” almost but not quite rhyme. But I’d feel silly fixing it … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 4 Comments

A Qualified Victory In The Supreme Court: DOMA and Prop 8

I spent most of the past two days either in transit or kept busy and away from the internet, which proves to be lousy timing, as I’ve been unable to post about either the SCOTUS’s heartbreaking evisceration of the Voting … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage, Supreme Court Issues | 2 Comments

Same Sex Marriage Legalized In Delaware, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and France

Delaware legalizes gay marriage Minnesota governor signs same-sex marriage bill [Rhode Island governor] Chafee signs gay marriage into law French gay marriage law gets constitutional all-clear In all three US states, gay marriage was passed thought the legislature. What I … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 6 Comments

New Zealand House of Representatives Passes Marriage Equality And Sings

They’re singing a Maori love song called “Pokarekare ana,” which, Wikipedia tells me, is sometimes called New Zealand’s unofficial national anthem. During the debate, “Te Ururoa Flavell gave a wonderful speech with a Maori perspective, detailing the pre-colonial Maori history … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, International issues, Same-Sex Marriage | 3 Comments

Democratic Senators rush to support same-sex marriage

Matt Bors gets it exactly right: Wonkblog has a good chart showing how fast support for gay marriage has grown in the Senate: Don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad this is happening. But I can see the humor in … Continue reading

Posted in Same-Sex Marriage | 2 Comments