More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: Prisoner rape
WTF, New York Post? Why Are You Advocating Rape?
So famous dieter and Subway spokesman Jared Fogle has admitted to paying minors for sex (which is, as I understand it, statutory rape) and having child pornography, and will spend between five and thirteen years in prison, as well as … Continue reading →
The Minister in charge of police and upholding rape culture
I haven’t written about, and don’t feel capable of writing about, the earthquake in Christchurch. I am too close, and too far away (I am OK, everyone I know is OK). Other people have written about the experience powerfully eloquently, … Continue reading →
We Know How To Stop Prisoner Rape
In a letter published in The New York Review of Books, David Kaiser of Just Detention International argues that we could significantly reduce prison rape, if we genuinely wanted to. “Since 1980 the murder rate inside prisons has fallen more … Continue reading →
Daisy on Prison Rape and Human Rights
Daisy at Our Decent Into Madness writes: In Iran, a woman was attacked by her scorned suitor turned stalker: he threw sulfuric acid on her face, blinding and permanently disfiguring her. He’s been sentenced to a punishment of having five … Continue reading →
Ezra Klein on Prison Rape
From an LA Times op-ed: Prison rape occupies a fairly odd space in our culture. It is, all at once, a cherished source of humor, a tacitly accepted form of punishment and a broadly understood human rights abuse. We pass … Continue reading →
You can only say 'Yes' if you can say 'No'
There’s been a brilliant discussion about Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti’s Call for Submissions for ‘Yes means Yes’.Firefly, BlackAmazon, Sylvia, Tekanji, Chris Clarke, Sudy, Magniloquence, and Theriomorph are just some of the people who have written about the original Call … Continue reading →
Statistics About Prison and Prisoners In The USA
Some statistics swiped from the NY Times, which in turn based its article on a Department of Justice report released last week: * At the end of last year, 1 of every 31 adults in the United States was in … Continue reading →
More On Prison Rape
Ilya Somin and Mark Kleiman have been debating prison rape. Ilya, a libertarian, argues that it’s not politically plausible for the government to help prisoners. “Government is responsive to those who have political power, and prisoners are the classic example … Continue reading →
Blog Post Round-Up: Prison Rape
“The opposite of compassion is not hatred, it’s indifference.” –Anonymous prisoner quoted by Human Rights Watch In response to Ezra Klein’s two posts on prison rape yesterday (which themselves relied on a 2001 Human Rights Watch report), a lot of … Continue reading →
Men Are Much Less Likely To Be Victims of Rape
On the Male Privilege Checklist (henceforth “the list,”) I wrote: 7. If I’m a teen or adult, and if I can stay out of prison, my odds of being raped are so low as to be negligible. Karmaq, writing in … Continue reading →
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…