Category Archives: Christina Hoff Sommers

Oppressed by the Vagina Monologues

Via Redneck Feminist, an amusing article in Reason considers the right-wing horror of Eve Ensler’s much-criticized play. Meet the put-upon conservative coed, the prototype pushed by conservative feminists to demonstrate liberal bias on college campuses. We’ll call her Claire. Claire … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers | 105 Comments

Why don't they give up on attacking Koss already?

In the comments to an earlier thread, Mousehounde wrote: As to the topic: I do not understand the fixation on trying to discredit Koss’ study. What difference does it make if the rate is not 1 in 4? So what … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers, Mary Koss controversy | 6 Comments

The narrowness of "equity feminism"

(This is the third of three posts on “equity feminism” and “gender feminism.”) (Part one) Part two) Ironically, although self-dubbed “equity feminists” often say they’re continuing the traditions of first-wave feminism, it’s doubtful any first wave feminists would have signed … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers, Feminism, sexism, etc, Wendy McElroy | 29 Comments

"Equity feminism" and rape

(This is the second of three posts on “equity feminism” and “gender feminism.” Part one is here; part three is here). How far do “equity feminists” go in denying that there’s any widespread problem of sexism for feminism to address … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers, Feminism, sexism, etc, Rape, intimate violence, & related issues | 49 Comments

The origins and definitions of "gender feminism" and "equity feminism"

Ignoring the incoherence for a while, the two key differences in Hoff Sommers formulation seem to be that “gender feminists” believe that sexism against women is a widespread problem, found in virtually all our society’s institutions. In contrast, “equity feminists” apparently think that feminism’s only proper concern is legal equality – a goal that has been, to a significant extent, achieved in the USA – and there is absolutely no cultural or systemic bias against women. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers, Feminism, sexism, etc | 18 Comments

Blogroll: Rad Geek People's Daily

Just added Rad Geek People’s Daily to the blogroll, and I highly recommend y’all check it out. It’s so nice to see a genuinely leftist blog. I particular liked his critique of Christina Hoff Sommers (and of Salon’s weird dedication … Continue reading

Posted in Boy crisis, Christina Hoff Sommers, Link farms | 7 Comments

Five Reasons Conservatives Can't Be Feminists

I ran across this article from the Chicago Tribune, about a right-wing student group that invited anti-feminist feminist Christina Hoff Sommers to speak at the University of Chicago. The article says nothing that isn’t predictable, but I was amused by … Continue reading

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Fact-Checking the Anti-Feminists; like following around an elephant with a bucket, no matter how much crap you clean up they keep producing more.

Instapundit links to this interview with professional “anti-feminist feminists” Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers. (The interview comes from “liberal media” PBS). I can’t claim to know the truth or fiction of everything the anti-fem mavens say. But, going from … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Christina Hoff Sommers, Mary Koss controversy | Comments Off on Fact-Checking the Anti-Feminists; like following around an elephant with a bucket, no matter how much crap you clean up they keep producing more.