Category Archives: Union Issues

Cartoon: Unions Have Always Done The Impossible!

The last week has been kind of a bummer for me, workwise – I pulled a muscle in my thumb. (Who even knew that was a thing?) Afraid of making it worse, I decided not to draw and to minimize … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Union Issues | 3 Comments  

Cartoon: The Union’s Demands Are Impossible!

“Carmakers Say They Can’t Afford UAW Demands, While Paying CEOs $1 Billion” —Financial Post, October 13, 2023 “GM lavishes shareholders with cash weeks after saying it couldn’t afford workers’ demands”—CNN, November 29, 2023 During the recent (recent as I write … Continue reading

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Cartoon: A Living Wage For Everybody

Another collab with Becky Hawkins. I want to point out that the new cartoon collection, Yet Another Example of Pro-Billionaire Bigotry, is now available on Amazon! If you like these cartoons, then you’d probably also like running your tongue along a … Continue reading

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Cartoon: Hold, Corporate Miscreant!

If you like these cartoons, you can support them by becoming and engineer and then designing a completely safe house for them to live in which will stand firm despite floods and storms and earthquakes and smoke from the endless … Continue reading

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Cartoon: The News Could Not Be Any More Objective

If you like these cartoons, please help us make more! This cartoon was drawn by the one and only Kevin Moore! Hello from the east coast!  When I originally wrote these words (in December 2021), I was in upstate New … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Fat, fat and more fat, Media criticism, Sex work, porn, etc, Union Issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Elves United!

If you like these cartoons, help me make more by supporting my patreon! Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it! And to those of you that don’t celebrate it but do enjoy saying “merry Christmas!” I love doing … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Union Issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: CEOs, Except With Subtitles

Support these cartoons by supporting my Patreon! Each $1 pledge really matters. I hope you like this cartoon! Labor rights is an issue that too often drops out of view on the left, and that’s a shame. There’s been no … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Union Issues | Comments Off  

The Janus Case: What Freedom’s All About. Or At Least That’s What They Want You To Think.

At the end of every academic year, my union hosts a dinner at which a group of faculty, staff, and administration put on a musical show, the main purpose of which is to poke fun at ourselves. It’s a wonderful … Continue reading

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Cartoon: What Have Unions Ever Done?

The beautiful backgrounds for this comic were drawn by the amazing Adrian Wallace! Thanks, Adrian! Transcript of cartoon: PANEL 1 An elderly woman in a striped skirt, walking a dog, is being spoken to by a friendly young man, who … Continue reading

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