Category Archives: Cats

Pete in a Pot

Cat drawing! We did not make Pete stew. This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cat Pictures! Zephyr Hugs Couch

Cat drawing! Somehow the “hugging the couch while I nap” cat pose always makes me laugh.

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Cat Pictures! Zephyr and Pete

Cat drawing! One thing I will always miss about Pete now that he’s gone is the way that he and his brother, Zephyr, hung out and cuddled. This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cat Pictures! Wander Sleeps

Cat drawing! It’s so easy to snap pictures of the buggers while they’re sleeping. I’ve always thought this was a cute close-up of his contented face.

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Cat Pictures! Pete in a Sink

This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. When we lived in Bakersfield, … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cat Pictures! Ru Mane

Cat drawing! This is Ru, the cat of my friend and administrative assistant, A Humphrey Lanham who kindly allowed me to use the photo. Full-grown here with a fabulous mane.

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Cat Drawing! Pete in a Box

This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. I didn’t think I would … Continue reading Continue reading

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Cat Drawing! Zephyr Sits

Cat drawing! He’s foreshortened here which makes him look a bit like a giant-headed mini-cat, but that is such a very Zephyr expression.

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Cat Pictures! Pete in a Hat

This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October 2021’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. Pete doesn’t look particularly … Continue reading Continue reading

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Haiku for January 27th

The cats cuddle close
wanting the warmth of my skin
offering their fur.

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