And thank you everyone who decided that Biden wasn't pure enough for you and stayed home: Incompetent NSC means…
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.
Nobody, LOL! I honestly haven't run into that factoid before.
Gar, thanks! Any sharing is good sharing! My URL is on the image itself on the left border, so anyone…
Category Archives: artwork
Cat Pictures! Wander Sleeps
Cat drawing! It’s so easy to snap pictures of the buggers while they’re sleeping. I’ve always thought this was a cute close-up of his contented face.
Cat Pictures! Pete in a Sink
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. When we lived in Bakersfield, … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Pictures! Ru Mane
Cat drawing! This is Ru, the cat of my friend and administrative assistant, A Humphrey Lanham who kindly allowed me to use the photo. Full-grown here with a fabulous mane.
Cat Drawing! Pete in a Box
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. I didn’t think I would … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Zephyr Sits
Cat drawing! He’s foreshortened here which makes him look a bit like a giant-headed mini-cat, but that is such a very Zephyr expression.
Cat Pictures! Pete in a Hat
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October 2021’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. Pete doesn’t look particularly … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Wander Face
Cat drawing! Just Wander’s face this time when he was an adolescent with a half-grown mane.
Cat Drawing! Pete Winks
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. This image just looks so … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Clone Portrait
A portrait of my cat, Clone (now, alas, deceased), taken by the radiation clinic before we brought him in for thyroid treatment. He pulled through that okay and got another four years or so.
Cat Drawing! Pete Curious with Wander Kitten
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. I drew this in an … Continue reading → Continue reading
I apologize for my last comment. Trump's election is the fault of Trump voters and no one else (well, Putin,…