Some more “supporting legal immigration” news. U.S. to revoke legal status of more than a half-million migrants, urges them to…
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Yep, pretty much. And their public unpopularity. Protests show, if nothing else, that people are unhappy enough…
I think it's only the tremendous incompetence of Dollar Store Mussolini and those willing to work on his agenda of…
Given the first Dollar Store Mussolini administration, I don’t find that incompetence to be astonishing. At all. Yeah, but in…
Category Archives: Drawing
Cat Drawing! Pete Winks
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. This image just looks so … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Clone Portrait
A portrait of my cat, Clone (now, alas, deceased), taken by the radiation clinic before we brought him in for thyroid treatment. He pulled through that okay and got another four years or so.
Cat Drawing! Pete Curious with Wander Kitten
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. I drew this in an … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Zephyr Petted by Mike
Zephyr being petted by my husband, Mike. Zephyr likes to grab petting hands so you can’t stop petting.
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Cat Drawing! Pete is a Cupcake
This is one of the images I used in Scragamuffin, the chapbook I released as October’s exclusive Patreon reward. I thought it might be fun to release the pictures with the photos that inspired them. Pete was a pretty … Continue reading → Continue reading
Cat Drawing! Wander Wonders
Wander sits contemplatively beneath our coffee table, pondering something catly. His uncle, Pete, liked to sit in this position, too.
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Posted in artwork, Cats, Drawing
Scragamuffin: A New Chapbook on Patreon
Today, I’m sending my patrons a new chapbook–Scragamuffin. I didn’t intend to write another chapbook; it just sort of happened. Unfortunately, we lost another one of our cats, and this one was only nine. So, it’s been kind of a … Continue reading → Continue reading
Something’s Over There
Something’s over there, and it will cower in the face of her glamour.
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If You Say So
She’s pretty sure you’re full of shit, though.
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Cloud-Haired Woman
This reminds me of the art my parents had from the sixties, feminist with interesting proportions and bodies. I called it cloud-haired woman after a character in Marianne, the Magus and the Manticore, my favorite of Sheri Tepper’s books which … Continue reading → Continue reading
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"maybe no one with intact neurology from the first administration is present in the second." There is almost no crossover…