Category Archives: Economics and the like

Cartoon: The Right-Winger’s Guide to Labor Economics

For want of a shoe the shoelace was lost. For want of a shoelace the shoefly was lost. For want of a shoefly the flyover states were lost. For want of the flyover states the state of grace was lost. … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: What We Can Afford

This comic is by myself and Kevin Moore. Kevin comments: I’ve always found it a crime against society that we spend so much money on our defense budget, when so much of that money goes to the military industrial complex, … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: I’ve Tried Everything To Find New Workers

If you like my cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon. I have to admit, this cartoon would have been more current back in May. But on the other hand, employers complaining about lazy workers – and … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: It’s Always The Sick Person’s Fault

Help me keep making cartoons by supporting my patreon! Today’s cartoon is another collaboration with Becky Hawkins. The conservative ideology of individualism and everyone gets what they deserve falls especially flat on its face when we look at health care … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

Aunt Linda and Uncle Frank were playing on easy mode back in 1966

Guest post by Brendan Wright I just found another scintillating read– the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditures 2019. There’s some very interesting take-aways. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that think I understand why many well-meaning … Continue reading

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Cartoon: Are you GENUINELY Poor?

Please support these cartoons by supporting my Patreon! Just a $1 or $2 pledge means a lot to me. This cartoon is based on a cliche I’ve heard so many times – that poor people aren’t “really” poor, and so … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Capitalism/Socialism

If you like these cartoons, help me make more at my Patreon! Lots of $1 or $2 pledges means I can make a living. Today’s comic is written by me and drawn by Jake Richmond, creator of Modest Medusa. Jake … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Cartooning & comics, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Copyright, The Biggest Government Giveaway of All (featuring Bill Gates)

This one was directly inspired by this Dean Baker essay. The issue can be seen as a distinction between someone who wins a big pile of money in a lottery and someone who slips in a fake card to win … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Billionaires Discuss Economics

If you enjoy these cartoons, help me make more by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really helps. However the Democratic primary turns out, I’m grateful to both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for making increasing taxes on the wealthy … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | Comments Off  

Cartoon: It’s Excessive Occupational Licensing, Charlie Brown!

Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! I make a living through $1 pledges. This cartoon is a collaboration with Becky Hawkins.  Becky and I have done other political cartoons together, and we also collaborate on our webcomic SuperButch. … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like | Comments Off