It is my contention that any politician who runs on a "tough on crime" platform should be investigated for corruption.…
Apologies for the rambling but I have a half-formed thought I wanted to work through here. It feels like a…
Thanks! Done partly for realism, and partly so I'd have one word less to fit in the balloon. :-p
I like the realistic touch where you have the Republican congresscritter say "ban trans from participating in sports," instead of…
Category Archives: Education
A Good Conversation Starter: “A Machiavellian Guide to Destroying Public Universities in 12 Easy Steps”
From The Chronicle of Higher Education, here are the first four steps: Denigrate public education, and public institutions in general, as drains on private wealth and “job makers” to the point that no one would dare ask for increased support. This … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Learning to Love the Sentence: Prepping ENG 105 (4)
The two best writing teachers I’ve ever had were Sallie Sears, who taught a course in the contemporary novel, which I took during my junior year, and June Jordan, who led the poetry workshop, my first, which I took that … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Learning to Love the Sentence: Prepping ENG 105 (3)
Whenever I teach ENG 105, I always begin with the same lesson, the point of which is to get students thinking about how much they know about the grammar of American English without even realizing they know it. I start … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Learning to Love the Sentence: Prepping English 105 (2)
I have always loved this Calvin and Hobbes cartooon. It reminds me of Dr. Aaron Carton, one of my favorite undergraduate linguistics professors. One day, I was sitting in his office and he was telling me about a conference paper … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Learning to Love the Sentence – Prepping ENG 105 (1)
For the first time in a long time, I am scheduled to teach ENG 105, Grammar: Structure and Strategy. In the past, I have taught it successfully as a class in parsing sentences, a skill that I first learned in … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Writing
Questioning the Mission of College: Frank Bruni’s Column in Today’s Times is Worth Reading
I think the piece pretty much speaks for itself, but here are a couple of paragraphs that stood out for me: How practical versus idealistic should the approach to college be? I’m somewhat torn, and past columns have reflected that. … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Can You Make More Money with an Associate’s Degree than You can with a Bachelor’s?
I was, of course, intrigued by read the headline of an article on CNNMoney.com that read “Community college grads out-earn bachelor’s degree holders.” Written by Jon Marcus of The Hechinger Institute, the article reports research done by Georgetown University’s Center on Education … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Can Anyone Recommend a Good Women’s Studies Text?
Next semester, I will be teaching Introduction to Women’s Studies for the first time. Now, Women’s Studies is not my field and I do not, and would not, normally ask to teach this course. I took it as a favor … Continue reading
Posted in Education
Sweeney is the perfect accompaniment to a tough-on-crime comic. I bet the Judge had invested money in the prison industry.