If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Category Archives: Health Care and Related Issues
Before I begin this post, let me apologize for the editorial cartoon that I am posting in it. This post is about the cartoon, and so the image must be posted; that said, I am so disgusted by the image … Continue reading →
I don’t know how this can be viewed as anything less than a failed assassination attempt: Law enforcement authorities are investigating the discovery of a cut propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother, whose … Continue reading →
Unfinished Business
Photo of the grave of former Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. A handwritten note from his son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., reads, “Dad, the unfinished business is done.”
America: We Like Having Things Rammed Down Our Throats
Well, health care reform is now law, and the new socialist hellscape is our home, at least until the brave Republicans and their vast majority of the American people sweep Democrats from office. Which they’ll certainly do, because if there’s … Continue reading →
Thank You, Madam Speaker
I’m hoping to write some on the historic enactment of health care reform in the coming days; I just got done with my first week of chemotherapy, round two, and so I’m a bit wiped out at the moment. There … Continue reading →
Feminism, Abortion Rights and Health Care Reform
[UPDATE: It seems the rumors were accurate — TPM is reporting that Stupak will vote yes, in exchange for the White House affirming that the Hyde Amendment still exists. Props to the pro-choicers in the House; not an overwhelming victory, … Continue reading →
A response to a left-wing critic of health care reform
I’m having an exchange with a left-wing opponent of the Health Care Reform bill (aka Obamacare) here on BlueOregon. But for some reason, BlueOregon won’t let me post. So I’m posting my response here instead. Barry Deutsch apparently is another … Continue reading →
Please Call These Congresspeople And Ask Them To Vote For Health Care Reform
[Since this is now moot, I’m hiding the post behind a “more” line. –Amp]
CBO releases Health Care Reform score; House likely to vote on Sunday
The CBO has released their analysis of the Senate HCR bill combined with the “sidecar” reconciliation bill. You can read the CBO analysis here (pdf file), but the most important numbers are: Reduce deficits: $138 billion in the first ten … Continue reading →
The Final Push For Health Care Reform Begins
And at last, Obama commits to something. My bet is that he wouldn’t be saying this if he didn’t think that there’s an excellent chance the Democrats can pass health care reform soon. The big hurdle is getting enough Democrats … Continue reading →
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…