If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Category Archives: Health Care and Related Issues
Pawlenty to Uninsured: Drop Dead
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is very good at playing the sensible conservative. He’s got that aw-shucks, Minnesota nice attitude that makes him sound like the type of conservative who isn’t actually bent on destroying anyone below the upper middle class. … Continue reading →
Health Care Discussion
Well, I know what I’ll be listening to as I draw tomorrow. Use this thread to meet all your Health Care Policy Discussion posting needs. I think these paragraphs from Newsweek explain why it’s unlikely that the big health care … Continue reading →
Look how much more the US spends on Health Care than anyplace else
I really love this graphic, from National Geographic. The left side of the chart is how much each country spends on health care; the right side shows the average life expectancy in each country. The thickness of the lines indicates … Continue reading →
Yes, Health Care Is Constitutional.
In an open thread, Ron and Rob discuss the prospect of a Constitutional challenge to health care reform, and in particular to the individual mandate: Ron: Anybody have any idea how this might turn out? I’m trying to think of … Continue reading →
Can't Shake the Devil's Hand and Say You're Only Kidding
As all denizens of the internets know, Jumping the Shark is a phrase that has come to represent that moment in which a good something becomes permanently broken. It originally referred to the moment on Happy Days when Fonzie, for … Continue reading →
Hoisted By Their Own Prayertard
So do you remember when Sen. Tom Coburn, R-ExxonMobil, was telling teabaggers the other day to pray that “something” would happen to prevent a Democrat from making it to the Senate to cast their vote for cloture on health care … Continue reading →
No Stupak or No Public Option: That's the Question
I think Karoli’s right, that’s going to be the big trade in conference. The language out of the Senate on choice is bad, but not nearly so bad as Stupak. It doesn’t expressly prohibit women from buying plans with abortion … Continue reading →
Shut Up, Ralph Nader
You know, if I was someone who was instrumental in ensuring the election of George W. Bush to the White House, I’d hide my head in shame. But not Ralph Nader. No, he’s back, happily using racist epithets to refer … Continue reading →
How Things Should Be Done
As we all know at this time, the junior Senator from Minnesota refused to agree to granting Sen. Joe Lieberman, JoeForJoe-Conn., an additional minute or two beyond the ten he’d been recognized: Now, it’s a minor moment, one that those … Continue reading →
No. We Wouldn't.
I was never a Deaniac. I supported him for DNC chair precisely because I thought his reckless rhetoric would work well for the leader of an opposition party, and that his fifty-state strategy had merit. But I most certainly did … Continue reading →
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…